Tracfone S5 – does it have KitKat or Lollipop operating system?
Hi, Anyone who has purchased the Galaxy S5 here on HSN through Tracfone, item number 475-366, can you tell me if the operating system is KitKat or Lollipop? The description says KitKat, but wondered if it comes with the Lollipop upgrade instead, as some of the other ones sold by other retailers do. Thanks much!
ON NO—-So glad you posted this info- BB:heart:
SAND! Now I know why they are hard to digest. Is it possible you could develops a kidney stone from them?
I think, for something to lead to kidney stones it has to be solible first, absorbed into blood, then go through kidneys. Sand does not sound like that. Sand sounds like something that goes through your digestive tract.
Did you see that the study concluded that approximately 4 out of 5 supplements tested did not contain any of the main ingredients listed? No regulation by the FDA since 1994.
It has KitKat and I called Tracfone today they have no plans of upgrading yet. I was told you could get around it but may damage the phone so I woun’t do that and suggested that Tracfone make it available. I had to many problems for a month with this phone and it is working fine now. So I am not going to take a chance. Hope this helps
The new LG Sunset has lollipop.
Does anybody read these posts the GALAXY S5 HAS KITKAT
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Posted in Electronics
8 Replies
02.04.15 9:34 PM
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