Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge on Boost Mobile
Has any news leaked about weather this phone will be available and if so when and for his much?
A few managers confirmed that the s7 edge for boost will release in the second half of this year I also wish it would come in a variety of colors and not just white like the s5, s3 etc. I received both of those phones from here btw.
RAINBOWDAYS—I appreciate your post as well. They make me think—So you have been thru chemo ???
Oh gosh –bless you !!!!-I so far do not take anything prescribed but Im sure at some point a few will be begging me to—lol
So I do remember a few years ago waking up with my legs irritating me, and honestly this was before I had heard about RLS—I was by then to embaressed to mention it..I think my brain shuts down but at times my body is one speed- WIDE OPEN—–
Please be strong and somehow we will figure out AM-PM—LOL
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
3 Replies
01.25.15 11:43 PM
0 Participants