Samsung Galaxy E5 Tracfone
After receiving this phone I went over service guide and there was no information about battery removal or removing the back of the phone to access it. I just wanted the information for futhure reference. I called Tracfone customer service and was told that the battery can’t be removed. If anything happens to the battery within the first year of warranty, TF will send a new phone. I wouldn’t care if this were a lower end phone but the cost should make it easier to solve such a simple problem.
One last thing. I wonder why they haven’t shown this phone on air. I can understand the economics of wanting to sell the more expensive models but I’m just curious.
I (and members of my family) have been Galaxy series users for years. In fact, I use a Galaxy S4 that I purchased on the day they were introduced. I still like the phone, and it does/has everything I need. None of us–including myself–have ever had need to replace the battery. So I feel reasonably confident that you can rest easy about this concern.
I’m not having any problems with this phone. As a matter of fact, after inching my way up over the years with cheap tracfones, I consider the money well spent on this phone. I was just wondering about battery replacement.
Due to lownership.
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They may not want you to remove the items in the phone. If you need a part call TracFone.
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I am sorry to hear of the trouble you are having. I can say as a 4x TF owner I have never had any trouble w/ my phone{s}. I just upgrade when I want to add more minutes for the next year. I always get the best model on the market and I keep my minutes @ 5000 plus. NO BILL!!!
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
8 Replies
05.31.16 5:56 PM
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