Rec’d My New Dell Inspiron
Who has set up their new Dell? It took me a while to load malware and anti-virus. I totally missed the part that it came with McFee…DUH!
My old laptop is 6 years old. A lot has changed. I’m not too thrilled about the power saver feature. The brightness dims when not plugged in. I didn’t have that problem with my old Dell. Of course, the bettery life any given time was like 1.5 hours. There probably is a way to increase the brightness when it’s not plugged into the power source. If someone figures it out, please let me know.
It took me several hours to figure out how to connect my laptop to my wireless printer. I ended up uninstalling and reinstalling the printer. That always seems to work.
Well, let me know how you like your new Dell.
I also just got my new Dell. I am so in love lol. To adjust the brightness, click on the notification button on the task bar. If there are any notifications click to get past those, then you will get a grid of options. find the brightness button. You can click on it there and it will adjust to 100%, 75%, 50%, 25%.
Also on the taskbar the little magnifying glass is a search tool for your computer.
I am still getting familiar with the touchpad/mouse. I don’t always know when tapping the touch pad will select. Sometimes have to click
Does Dell have lifetime support?
I usually let somebody else start up my computer that knows what they are doing 🙂
Peace and Love to all:)
Great post Aquafina and thank you for bringing this question up:)
Good Luck:)
Linda aka LuckyLindy:)
Thanks for the info on adjusting the brightness. After I posted, I saw the F11 and F12. I never used those keys on my other Dell. I guess I should take the tutorial…LOL! I rather just ask people smarter than me :womanhappy: or try to figure out things on my own.
I saw something about tech support, but I haven’t accessed it yet.
Thanks for the replies.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
5 Replies
02.23.16 3:53 AM
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