My New LG Paisley Phone Isn’t !!
I preordered my LG Treasure phone as soon as it was posted on HSN & HSN2 where I would be sure to get the paisley design I have wanted since it became available. My phone just arrived and it has a BLACK cover with it. No paisley in sight except the word on my order receipt inside the box. I immediately called HSN and they informed me that they can’t do anything about it because the item is out of stock now. DAH ! If preorder doesn’t mean anything then why did HSN start it ?? I wonder how many other loyal customers are going to get plain black phones instead of a color. Of all the colors available BLACK would have been my last choice.No if black had been my only choice I wouldn’t have ordered this phone and I bet alot of other people feel the same way. The only option offered me is to send the phone back. I don’t know what I’m going to do. It is a sad day when you look so forward to finally getting a new phone and feel like you got stuck. I know the color of a phone doesn’t play into the way it functions but everybody wants a pretty phone. I also realize I can’t purchase a different color cover because such a big deal was made about this phone not even being available on the open maket. I’m one dissapointed gal today.
I would be disappointed, too. I know it sounds minor in the schene of things but a black phone instead of paisley, I would be so upset. I hope something works out for you.
I ordered one as well, but with a black case. It is for my son or I would have ordered the paisley. In researching the phone it is the same model as the LG K7 and LG Tribute 5. You can look on Amazon or Ebay for a nicer case. I ordered a tempered glass screen protector for my sons. Hope this helps.
I would be upset as well:):smileyfrustrated:
Paisley print means paisley not black:)
I hope HSN makes this good for all of their customers:)
Wishing you the very best of luck:)
Peace and love:)
Oh man, what a disappointment. 🙁
I wish they were able to get you the correct case.
Thank you ladies for your support and well wishes. I have tried to calm down all day but I can’t make myself even put the phone together. I went to Amazon (Thank you summy23 for info) to see what kind of cover I could get and nothing in purple paisley. While I was searching for a replacement cover it dawned on me- this is a Brand New phone. I shouldn’t have to purchase something I’ve already paid for. HSN owes me a paisley phone. I PREORDERED IT. I paid in full for it and I want what I paid for. AMEN.
If anyone reads this and ordered paisley and received it, I would appreciate if you’d take the time to let me know. I wonder if anybody got paisley??
I emailed Customer Service and told them how unhappy I was with the apparent lack of concern with my not getting the color I took the time to preorder. I received a reply today and they are now sending me a paisley cover for my phone. They sure did go from being sold out to getting them back in stock and putting them back on sale in a hurry. I’m just glad I haven’t got to send my phone back. Lord, please let it work right now. I hope it hasn’t got a “woogie” put on it. LOL I’m off to a rocky start. Thank you all for your help and concern.
Interesting… We had ordered 2 of these phones – one with the paisley case and one with the black case. They arrived today and the black case is rubbery and the paisley is hard. While I love the paisley design, I’d prefer a rubber case over a hard one. We didn’t know there was a difference when ordering. Oh well…
I spent the day activating my phone but other than getting a Tracfone rep that spoke fast English with a foreign accent I didn’t have as much trouble as I was expecting. I’ve been with Tracfone for years and have had good luck with their services It was so bad I had to have her spell several words she was saying. I have a terrible southern accent and I told her ” I’m sorry- it’s me it’s not you.” I lied !
I am impressed with the phone so far. I purchased the Polaroid tablet HSN had as a TS several months ago or I would have really been lost. Transferring my unused minutes, days, and phone number was a breeze and the year and minutes for the new phone were added immediately. She insisted that I download the Tracfone app- My Account- from the Google Play Store to check to make sure everything was added and keep up with minutes and service days. It had the correct balance and will come in handy to keep tabs on usage. I found out it’s important to turn the data usage off and the wifi usage on if you don’t want to use your data up. Good to know BEFORE it all gets gone. LOL Good luck to everyone with their phones. I am going to miss my itty bitty one but come to find out during the activation process I was going to be forced to purchase another phone anyway. They are upgrading the 2G in Alabama and my phone would have been useless very soon.
I RECEIVED MY PAISLEY COVER IN A TIMELY MANNER AND AM A VERY HAPPY GAL NOW. I am so glad HSN sent the cover instead of me having to return the phone as first suggested. I like the phone so far also. I hope it gives as good of service as my LG not so smart phone I replaced with it. Good luck to all of you. I am very satisfied with HSN’s response to my email to Customer Service but the rep who told me to send it back because they were sold out of pasley covers needs more training. They got the phone back in stock within a 2 day time frame.
You will still need a good case for the phone. Do not feel bad, most cases are not going to protect the phone unless you invest in a qaulity product. Check online for your model.
I hope all works out. I ordered my case from Amazon. More sturdy for the type of work that I do.
HSN may have a solution for you, ask if you can be put you on a wait list?
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
13 Replies
05.27.16 12:09 AM
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