LG Treasure Track Phone
My ten year old had the phone for approximately one week. On last Saturday; while at the movie theatre, he reclined back into the chair. The phone apparently came out of his pocket. It was too late when he noticed the phone was gone as someone (worker or patron) took the phone and did not return it to lost and found. HsN will not replace the phone and did not offer anything viable. Trac phone only disconnected the phone. I am sick as this was the perfect phone. I even considered getting myself one to use for work once the flex pays were completed. Now, I have to pay for a phone I don’t have!!!!!
I forgot to welcome you to the community!
That is not good to hear!
I am thinking out loud and this may not be helpful at all. I hate that your son lost your new phone. I’m just glad it’s not even more expensive. HSN isn’t at fault in any way so I don’t see them doing anything. It’s sort of like buying a car on the credit and it getting stolen and the bank expecting to be paid. Too bad there’s not “phone insurance”.
I have been a Tracfone customer for many years and I’m just wondering if you might could purchase another phone from them and have the minutes ported over to keep the purchase from being a total loss. They sale refurbished phones for less money and they don’t come with minutes on them. I didn’t see the LG Treasure but did see several reasonably priced phones on their website. They had one that was almost free. I would also check back with the theatre and give it one more try since you had the phone turned off. Someone might have decided to do the right thing since they couldn’t profit from the phone. Good luck in the future and I hope this has a happy ending. Don’t give up yet!
Sorry Tiff671..
My kids have lost many expensive things “by accident” or being careless over the years.If they wanted it replaced..they had to pay for it themselves..
Amazing when they paid for it they didn’t loose it!..It made them much more careful.
Yes accidents happen but
HSN shouldn’t be responsible for your son’s problem with losing something..
Hi Tiff671. I’m really sorry to hear about your son’s phone, I’ve had this happen to me, too. I have to say that I’m not surprised that HSN won’t replace your phone. Imagine if everyone who lost their phone wanted a replacement, they’d be giving away free phones like crazy. Personally, I find that a thick rubber case helps the phone to stay in my pocket without falling out as it gives it some traction. I know it’s easy for me to say, but try not to let it get you down. :womanhappy:
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
6 Replies
05.25.16 2:26 PM
0 Participants