LG Treasure set up question
I’m trying to help my mother get her new LG Treasure set up. Over the phone :catfrustrated:
The main thing I need to know is if when you first turn on the phone you must go through a series of security set up screens. Setting the screen lock, etc. types of things. Any advice on whether initially skippping this is doable would be so appreciated. She says the skipping option takes her in circles
That the phone didn’t turn on like the one she currently has agitated her to the point it’s difficult to get her to explain to me what is going on. If I at least know this elaborate initial set up is normal I can hopefully calm her to where she’ll try again. Cell phone is the only advanced tech she uses and she is easily frustrated. She also believes she has a “problem” with electronics that causes them to act weird for her so that just makes it that much worse. Usually she gets the same phone I have but this time she skipped ahead. I really thought it would be OK but this new set up business got me.
when going through the setup there some things that can be skipped. it lets you know if you want to skip whatever it is. for example the lock thing i skipped since i’m the only one who uses the phone. the other stuff is necessary because the phone needs to be able to use the internet for things so it needs to know the address for that. also other things it will do is set the time and date, If she hasn’t had a cell phone before i think there is some option to skip that because it would put what is on her other phone on the new phone. If i were you i’d be there to help her if she gets frustrated easily. doing the setup isn’t activating the phone. thats a separate thing. It does need the setup done though because the phone gets you right into it.
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Posted in Electronics
2 Replies
05.15.16 7:08 PM
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