handheld scanner
When will you be presenting the hand held / docking scanner again???
Mine is broken and need to replace quickly.
I’ve asked just about the same questions here and got no response.
Does anyone know?
Called his company and got someone who wasn’t helpful.
I suggest again it would be a good idea for them to put this info on the labels so we know.
AND to alert on labels if it should not be taken with meds, ie, thyroid, antacids etc…or any foods that might react with them.
Andrew, this info is needed by those of us who take several of your vitamins plus meds. Please advise us.
Between the product labels and his website FAQs, there is no best time. You take supplements at the recommend dosages when you want, and with food if the label says you should. Maybe he likes to take Friendly Flora at night because of his "schedule." :womanwink:
You might want to let your doctor know what supplements you are taking if you are on any prescription medications. There are very real interactions that some people need to be aware of. Some supplements can actually inhibit the absorption of certain medications which can prevent you from getting the full effects of what you have been prescribed. Your doctor may have an opinion about when you take the supplements.
Take them as directed on the bottle, such as with a meal. If there isn’t anything specific in the directions as to time of day, take it any time that makes sense for you. There is some research that says probiotics are more effective if taken at night, but if that were a hard and fast rule, then it would be included in the actual directions on the bottle.
As someone else mentioned you should let your primary physician know what supplements you are taking.
My Dr has ask my for the last 4 years if I take supplements as well as which ones- This tell’s me something is going on in the world of supplements.
Thanks for all your replies. My dr is aware of the products I take. Not on any medications yet, so that isn’t an issue. Just thought I could make certain I am getting all of the benefits of the product. I would think it would be easy for Andrew to develop a PDF showing any interaction and optimum usage. I’m very appreciate of his willingness to provide information and the education he gives us on supplements. I try to watch him whenever he is on.
Thanks to all of you who have responded here and to HSN_Kyle.
Yes, I took them to my doctors and they just said they are fine to take period.
I find doctors are too busy with evidently more important things to break down vitamin info and actually get more info from druggist re conflicts with meds.
But just as clothing manufacturers will note on their tags ‘wash in cold, hang to dry’ and since Andrew is so knowledgeable about his ingredients and the effects of vitamins on a well run system per his lectures I just think it would be beneficial for those of us who take many of his vitamins to know the best time to take them in order to reap the greatest benefit from them and it wouldn’t take much to do a starburst on a label to indicate something note worthy.
I know for instance that grapefruit juice is a no no with some meds and imagine most people do not know which meds…nor do I – only that it reacs badly with some meds.
Knowledge is good for us especially when we are ingesting things into our body.
Thanks again for all those who replied.
Catsmom2….Good question. As long as your doctor OKs your vitamins and supplements your good to take them whenever is best for you. I take mine at breakfast and dinner. Your routine might require you to take a different approach. Do what’s best for you……..Ronnie
, I’m sorry your scanner broke but it looks like you’ve already placed a new order for one! Welcome to the HSN Community and please let me know if you still need assistance.
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
10 Replies
02.12.15 4:37 AM
0 Participants