‘CELL SALTS’ is my answer for everything. When the physical body is diminished by the depletion of ‘CELL SALTS’, the mental and emotional bodies suffer as well… depression, hopelessness, fear, suicidal tendencies, etc etc.
Words…."they can build you up or then can bring you down." How strong is your faith? Many people believe that happiness comes from outside. They believe that "things" will bring them happiness. And while it is nice to have "things", this is not where true happiness comes. True happiness comes from within. It comes from being appreciative of the things that we have been blessed with. It comes from giving and not looking for anything in return, seeking your reward from the creator and not mankind. It comes from obeying and drawing close to Him what He tells us to do and staying away from that which He has outlined for us. It comes from obeying and seeking His guidance first in all that we do.
We have got to live with an attitude of gratitude. Be thankful for what you have. Know that whatever has befallen us was meant to be. And whatever has passed us was not meant . Know and acknowledge that there is a higher, wiser and merciful force greater than ourself.
"Of what value is it, if you gain the world, yet lose your soul?" How can I say I love God whom I have NEVER seen, yet, backbite, slander and kill my brother or sister with my tongue. No man knows what tomorrow will bring. We are here today, tomorrow is not promised.
If you want something to change in your life, you first have to change. Ask the only one who can bring about that change…God. Get up during the night, humble yourself and beg for what you want of Him.
It has been said that if you are going through "seemingly" rough times and you believe yourself to be a "good person." You can tell the difference between a trial and a chastisement by the way you are living your life. Are you following the things that He has outlined that we should do or are we doing our "own" thing.
People are chasing this life as though they are going to be here forever. Do those things that will benefit us.
If you feel yourself feeling becoming depressed or sad, STOP and thank Him for all that you have.
If you have your health and sound mind you are truly blessed. Be a grateful servant.
Take whatever challenges we may face directly to Him.
May He who holds our souls in His hand guide and protect you. May you find the peace in which you seek and may all obsticles be removed from your path and May you find true peace. Amen
BeautyBoy……you have such a nice way about you. Your words are always uplifting to others.
I sincerely hope that whatever causes you to have "blue moments" be removed from your life.
Take care,
I think I know how you feel. My daughter battled cancer this year. She lives in another city and called me and said
mom I need you to put on your big girl pants. I did what I had to do for my daughter. She beat the crap out of cancer. Then my brother found out he had cancer thru a routine checkup. So far so good. Then my dad had to be put in
nursing home due to 5 mini strokes. Hopefully he can return to his home and to his condo in FL. Now I won’t even
start with me. But BB it gets better.
My belated Mother-In-Law also suffered this time of year. I hate to see the lights go out in anyones eyes. They are the windows to the soul. I am trying to keep father upbeat. I can say this someone up there loves me.
I’ve had a lot of doors slammed in my face. But I still have a beautiful smile. Former model here. I come here this season just to make a friend or two. So far so good.
BB I am wishing you a joyful holiday. I would like to know more about Andrew Lessman too. Especially if he has
anything for cancer and well being.
Did not mean to write so much. Just know someone is thinking of you.
I am also a walker I can walk very well. I watch my diet since I am a diabetic. I try to stay postive and look for the best in everyone. Believe I’ve made a lot of mistakes in the past. One thing I can suggest is getting a physical and complete blood work every year. That way you know physically you’re alright.
Ok that’s it from me.
Nice of you to think of sufferers is what I say. If you care to expand that further, see if you guys have a division of COMPEER where you are at. It’s an organization that helps people recovering from bouts with mental illness by providing social support and friendship.
i suffer FROM 5 different kind of mental illness christmas is my favorit i love the lights the tree the whole works this is what i do i think of all the elderly people i know i wrap in a box can of span a pk of mac and cheese cah of greenbeans and put thier name on it and put it under my tree wrap a pk of toiletpaper things the elderly really cant afford on thier small checks the recieve at the first of the month this will fill your heart when you see prensents under your tree and think of the smiles you will put on others faces and decorate that house where others can see this will get rid of christmas blues guratee
CELL SALTS… here ya go…
The physical body is made of cells. ‘Cell Salts’ rule the cellular structure of the body because they supply the cells with the materials (Minerals) the cells need to maintain their cellular integrity, defend themselves, repair themselves, and/or reproduce themselves.
As such, each cell requires at least one, if not more, of the 12 different ‘Cell Salts’. These ‘Cell Salts’ are found in Nature as they are Minerals of the Earth; hence, they are what give each one of us, (the Spirit inherent in each one of us), our ‘feet of clay’ on this planet. It’s what makes Human Beings, (which are ‘chemical beings’), out of Spirit Beings.
How can we be sure of this you may ask. I am certain most have heard the phrase, ‘Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust’, spoken at most funeral rites. Why is this so? Why these specific words? Because it has been proven that when a body is cremated, the ashes that remain, 9when chemically tested), contain only these ‘Cell Salts’, these Minerals of the Earth.
Now then, these ‘Cell Salts’, these Minerals, must get to each cell of the body so that each cell can do its work– which is to function optimally to keep the health of the body. And this is done via the Circulatory System; hence, the statement, ‘the Blood is the Life’.
Most of our bodies are deplorably depleted of these ‘Cell Salts’. And, without them, the cells of the body cannot function properly. Thus, we get sick. And, while there’s plenty of stuff ‘out there’ to make us sick, the fact is, we are ‘made in His Image’; hence, a perfect replication. Nothing ‘out there’ really makes us sick; it is, rather, that our bodies are in such a gross state of weakness that they are unable to defend themselves. And yet, our bodies were made to do just that– as the Righteousness of God, (the Rightness of the Pattern), makes it so.
The Mineral ‘Cell Salts’ must undergo a process of trituration (pulverization) to the point where their chemical constituency bypasses the digestive tract and is absorbed directly into the Bloodstream to be distributed throughout the body.
Our beloved BeautyBoy made mention of depression. The ‘Cell Salt’ specific to this condition is Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos; Aries).
These are the 12 ‘Cell Salts’, Minerals, of which I speak along with their Astrological assignations:
1. Calcium Fluoride (Calc Fluor; Cancer)
2. Calcium Phosphate (Calc Phos; Capricorn)
3. Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulph; Scorpio)
4. Phosphate of Iron (Ferr Phos; Pisces)
5. Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur; Gemini)
6. Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos; Aries)
7. Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph; Virgo)
8. Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos; Leo)
9. Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur; Aquarius)
10. Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos; Libra)
11. Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulph; Taurus)
12. Silicic Oxide (Silica or Silicea; Sagittarius)
I have given the Astrological assignations for the specifice purpose of making it a little easier to know right-off-the-bat what they, at the very least, require. Everyone was born under the auspices of a certain Sun Sign; and, as the Sun rules our vitality, (our physical energy), this is what your body is most expending in terms of energy. Hence, the ‘Cell Salt’, or Mineral, that corresponds to your Sun Sign is the one you need the most. It will replenish constantly that expenditure, if taken faithfully.
For those interested in reading more about ‘Cell Salts’, I recommend the following books:
1. The Biochemic System of Medicine by Dr. George W Carey (444-pgs)
2. The Biochemic Handbook by JB Chapman & Edward L Perry (a quick reference guide to what ails you and what ‘Cell Salts’ to take for it; 127-pgs)
3. The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Dr. George W Carey & Inez Eudora Perry (an esoteric treatise on the Body and the ‘Cell Salts’; 360-pgs)
It is a very difficult time of the year for people who are alone, with no family, no family close by, no friends to be with, etc. The pressure of the holidays, and the high expectations can be such a let down. Everyday in your life should feel like the holiday season. We wait all year to build up to this time for cheer and happiness when this should be how we act to each other and feel every day. It’s sad, the media hypes it up so much.
Wishing you and very Happy Holiday!!
Beauty Boy any religion that condems you to hell for bring you, is not not very Christian in their beliefs. LOL
Have a Beautiful Christmas!!
No matter how bad you think you have it, someone else wishes they had it as good as you do. Volunteer time somewhere where they need your prescence. At a shelter, at a retirement community where you can read to someone are all great places to lend a helping hand. Super depressed people won’t get out of bed and the house needs some tender loving care. Offer to just straighten up one room for someone who is so depressed they won’t get up. Help at the humane society. Come clean my house. 😉
Lori GREAT POST ! Yes as well as this being a great way to to beat those blues in going, and helping others.It’s A WIN WIN !
Blessings to all.BB
For the sake of accuracy though: depression and suicides DO NOT rise up during holidays. Google, for example, "True or False: Depression and Suicide Rates Rise During the Holiday Season" article.
There is some rise in depression due to seasonal affective disorder (because of short days and lack of sublight) and it needs to be dealt with sun lamps and exercise and such.
But not due to holidays. Actually, there’s less depression during holidays.
That being said, holidays are holidays and they are supposed to be jolly, and I personally very much support the idea of helping people make it more jolly.
I can think of many things to do in the dark, add a few candels, some champagne,,,,YET that would get old real fast.
I do those things in the Sunshine as well—-IT’S ALL GOOD-
I think some people may miss those who they have lost and feel a bit empty at holiday time.I try to be upbeat and always say a blessing to those @ the table and those who have passed.If someone is at the point where they are posting online for help they should see a professioanl,or maybe try to just meditate a bit and think of things that make them feel at peace.It can be very serious.Be well!
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12.28.14 11:33 PM
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