Hi DOLLAR1954, yes it can burn DVD’s and CDS.
Aquafina—-We are blessed to have family. I did not realize this until one year we had lost 2 members withen 6 mths- I then began to think about the quality time I HAD LOST not enjoying them.
I have no brothers or sisters but God blessed me with great friends. I am very introverted in the fall weather basicly inside or right here with my puppys at my feet. The TIME CHANGE, THE COLD, THE FALLING LEAVES can do a number on me. I do my workouts, speak to my Mother twice a day, and am very open about how I feel when friends want to go shop or out to dinner. Some days I accept and others I just shy away—-I really thrive in the Spring, as well as working out all day in /on the lawn.
I have to laugh as here on my St .if the grass is 1/2inch to tall the neighbors come to see if all is ok.
You are so right on how commercial the holiday season is, I know I get out and visit a local detention center and do haircuts, and visit my elder friends in the nursing center and It lifts my spirits as well as theirs.
TIME SPENT WITH OTHERS has to be more precious than money. I envy you and the closeness of your family.
We really are blessed- thank you Aquafina for sharing- IM SMILING NOW ! BB
Hey BEAUTYBOY, Here’s my input: Christmas has become so commercialized. It’s all about party party and spending money on presents. So for those who don’t have families or are financially unstable, that can be pretty stressful. I read that a lot of suicides happen during the holiday season :smileysad:.
I’m surrounded by wonderful friends and family. I don’t have my parents, but I have my siblings. I get together with them all the time. As a matter of fact, my bro just called me to have dinner. Unfortunately, I had already eaten. But we get together almost every weekend to have dinner. I’m truly blessed.
Having said that, there are times, that I, too, have blue moments. When I hear people talking about what they did for Christmas or Thanksgiving, I’m just reminded that I no longer have my parents to share those special moments. This year, I spent Christmas Eve with my brother’s extended family. They are awesome. They always include me even if I’m not blood related.
I don’t really celebrate Christmas since I’m not of the Christian belief system; however, I always accept my families’ invitations to gather and enjoy chit chat and fellowship. I love the Christmas season, and I have NO problem with people wishing me a Merry Christmas.
Thank you for starting this thread. To all my friends, MERRY CHRISTMAS, HAPPY HANUKAH, HAPPY HOLIDAYS AND HAPPY NEW YEAR.
MASSHA—–Wanted to say MERRY CHRISTMAS- and thank you so much for ALL THE FUN, AND LAUGHTER you have brought to me.
I always look for your post. With friends like you I can not be depressed.
Anyone have any suggestions as to which supplements would help for depressions?
what i do during the holidays to help me with a sense of loss is to try to do "things" and/or "ideas" in honor of "remembrance". for instance, a "memory tree" or something like that always helps me. it’s where i buy a little poinsettia plant or whatever i choose and dedicate that plant to my grandfather, for instance. each time i water it or look at it, i know that my grandfather is in the room with me. or, i make an ornament in his honor and place it on my tree or decorative "tree" stand. also, carrying on holiday traditions such as baking cookies or getting pajamas for st. nick’s day, etc. helps a lot.
also, i think that the more we repress negative feelings such as depression, anger, shame, guilt, etc., the more intense they become and the more they begin to fool with the rational mind. if not attended to, they will reach a point of crisis. you can avoid all of this by allowing yourself to work through your emotional pain in a healthy and responsible manner with the assistance of a behavioral health professional. the most important step to get started is to acknowledge your pain and then take personal responsibilty for helping yourself deal with it in a safe and healthy manner.
further, if you are alone for the holidays and this makes you upset, look into church or club sponsored holiday dinners and/or volunteering to serve dinner at a local shelter and/or even keeping company with the animals at your local pet shelter. even going to see a movie and/or taking a walk helps lift mood and spirit. whatever you decide to do, do not stay home alone in bed under the covers!!! as tempting as it may seem, this will only harm you. you need to be out and about spreading the love that you have inside of you with others. there is no better satisfaction than that.
with that, i say, happy holidays everyone!!! you will all be in my hearts and prayers this holiday season and beyond!! love you!! xoxo.
psandbtw, if you are feeling suicidal or just need to talk to someone this holiday, i suggest making a "safety plan" to get you through xmas and even the new year. it is important for you to write all important phone numbers down such as 911 for emergencies, a national suicide hotline, a direct line to your local police dept and/or local shelter, a phone number for the first aid squad and fire dept., a life coach sponsored by your health insurance company, a "sponser" of yours, etc. AND PLACE THIS POSTER IN A VISIBLE AND EASILY ACCESSIBLE PLACE!! if you feel like you are in crisis, do not be ashamed of picking up the phone and/or going to the hospital with a behavioral health unit. this companionship and round the clock care is exactly what you need. there is no judgment. there is no shame. again, the goal is to keep healthy my friends!! BECAUSE YOU ARE WORTH IT!! xoxo. :smileyhappy:
My real father passed when I was 5 years old and was buried on Xmas Eve 1971. My stepfather who came into my life when I was 6 was the greatest man on the planet. He passed away on his 81st birthday in December of 1998. I can completely understand depression and how the holidays can be a sad time. But for me throughout my life I have always dealt with the sadness of this month and any losses by holding dear the happy, wonderful memories that accumulated over a lifetime. I find that I hold my loved ones dear to my heart forever and I feel that they are with me always in heart, mind and spirit and it really does help. Keep them close to your heart and keep God with you always. Trust that God will always help you through. :heart:
I think some people may miss those who they have lost and feel a bit empty at holiday time.I try to be upbeat and always say a blessing to those @ the table and those who have passed.If someone is at the point where they are posting online for help they should see a professioanl,or maybe try to just meditate a bit and think of things that make them feel at peace.It can be very serious.Be well!
I can think of many things to do in the dark, add a few candels, some champagne,,,,YET that would get old real fast.
I do those things in the Sunshine as well—-IT’S ALL GOOD-
For the sake of accuracy though: depression and suicides DO NOT rise up during holidays. Google, for example, "True or False: Depression and Suicide Rates Rise During the Holiday Season" article.
There is some rise in depression due to seasonal affective disorder (because of short days and lack of sublight) and it needs to be dealt with sun lamps and exercise and such.
But not due to holidays. Actually, there’s less depression during holidays.
That being said, holidays are holidays and they are supposed to be jolly, and I personally very much support the idea of helping people make it more jolly.
Lori GREAT POST ! Yes as well as this being a great way to to beat those blues in going, and helping others.It’s A WIN WIN !
Blessings to all.BB
No matter how bad you think you have it, someone else wishes they had it as good as you do. Volunteer time somewhere where they need your prescence. At a shelter, at a retirement community where you can read to someone are all great places to lend a helping hand. Super depressed people won’t get out of bed and the house needs some tender loving care. Offer to just straighten up one room for someone who is so depressed they won’t get up. Help at the humane society. Come clean my house. 😉
Beauty Boy any religion that condems you to hell for bring you, is not not very Christian in their beliefs. LOL
Have a Beautiful Christmas!!
It is a very difficult time of the year for people who are alone, with no family, no family close by, no friends to be with, etc. The pressure of the holidays, and the high expectations can be such a let down. Everyday in your life should feel like the holiday season. We wait all year to build up to this time for cheer and happiness when this should be how we act to each other and feel every day. It’s sad, the media hypes it up so much.
Wishing you and very Happy Holiday!!
CELL SALTS… here ya go…
The physical body is made of cells. ‘Cell Salts’ rule the cellular structure of the body because they supply the cells with the materials (Minerals) the cells need to maintain their cellular integrity, defend themselves, repair themselves, and/or reproduce themselves.
As such, each cell requires at least one, if not more, of the 12 different ‘Cell Salts’. These ‘Cell Salts’ are found in Nature as they are Minerals of the Earth; hence, they are what give each one of us, (the Spirit inherent in each one of us), our ‘feet of clay’ on this planet. It’s what makes Human Beings, (which are ‘chemical beings’), out of Spirit Beings.
How can we be sure of this you may ask. I am certain most have heard the phrase, ‘Ashes to Ashes, Dust to Dust’, spoken at most funeral rites. Why is this so? Why these specific words? Because it has been proven that when a body is cremated, the ashes that remain, 9when chemically tested), contain only these ‘Cell Salts’, these Minerals of the Earth.
Now then, these ‘Cell Salts’, these Minerals, must get to each cell of the body so that each cell can do its work– which is to function optimally to keep the health of the body. And this is done via the Circulatory System; hence, the statement, ‘the Blood is the Life’.
Most of our bodies are deplorably depleted of these ‘Cell Salts’. And, without them, the cells of the body cannot function properly. Thus, we get sick. And, while there’s plenty of stuff ‘out there’ to make us sick, the fact is, we are ‘made in His Image’; hence, a perfect replication. Nothing ‘out there’ really makes us sick; it is, rather, that our bodies are in such a gross state of weakness that they are unable to defend themselves. And yet, our bodies were made to do just that– as the Righteousness of God, (the Rightness of the Pattern), makes it so.
The Mineral ‘Cell Salts’ must undergo a process of trituration (pulverization) to the point where their chemical constituency bypasses the digestive tract and is absorbed directly into the Bloodstream to be distributed throughout the body.
Our beloved BeautyBoy made mention of depression. The ‘Cell Salt’ specific to this condition is Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos; Aries).
These are the 12 ‘Cell Salts’, Minerals, of which I speak along with their Astrological assignations:
1. Calcium Fluoride (Calc Fluor; Cancer)
2. Calcium Phosphate (Calc Phos; Capricorn)
3. Calcium Sulphate (Calc Sulph; Scorpio)
4. Phosphate of Iron (Ferr Phos; Pisces)
5. Potassium Chloride (Kali Mur; Gemini)
6. Potassium Phosphate (Kali Phos; Aries)
7. Potassium Sulphate (Kali Sulph; Virgo)
8. Magnesium Phosphate (Mag Phos; Leo)
9. Sodium Chloride (Nat Mur; Aquarius)
10. Sodium Phosphate (Nat Phos; Libra)
11. Sodium Sulphate (Nat Sulph; Taurus)
12. Silicic Oxide (Silica or Silicea; Sagittarius)
I have given the Astrological assignations for the specifice purpose of making it a little easier to know right-off-the-bat what they, at the very least, require. Everyone was born under the auspices of a certain Sun Sign; and, as the Sun rules our vitality, (our physical energy), this is what your body is most expending in terms of energy. Hence, the ‘Cell Salt’, or Mineral, that corresponds to your Sun Sign is the one you need the most. It will replenish constantly that expenditure, if taken faithfully.
For those interested in reading more about ‘Cell Salts’, I recommend the following books:
1. The Biochemic System of Medicine by Dr. George W Carey (444-pgs)
2. The Biochemic Handbook by JB Chapman & Edward L Perry (a quick reference guide to what ails you and what ‘Cell Salts’ to take for it; 127-pgs)
3. The Zodiac and the Salts of Salvation by Dr. George W Carey & Inez Eudora Perry (an esoteric treatise on the Body and the ‘Cell Salts’; 360-pgs)
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Posted in Electronics
23 Replies
12.28.14 11:33 PM
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