2016 Mercury Retrogrades—> What NOT To Buy Or Do!
MERCURY RETROGRADE is starting tomorrow, Tuesday, January 5-2016 @ 8:06-am Eastern and will last until Monday, January 25-2016 @ 4:50-pm Eastern.
The Other Dates Of The Year When Mercury Will Be Retrograde—>
April 28-2016 to May 22-2016
August 30-2016 to September 21-2016
December 19-2016 to January 8-2017 (be really careful of this one: Holiday travelling, sending packages, stuff like that there)
DO NOT PURCHASE ANYTHING ELECTRONIC Computers, Tablets, Televisions, Radios, Stereo Equipment, Cameras, Phones, Appliances, (Washers, Dryers, Refrigerators, Microwaves, Stoves, Crockpots, Toasters, etc). ANYTHING that is run with electricity and/or has electronic chips/processors in them, (which, nowadays, includes almost everything), SHOULD NOT be purchased on a Mercury Retrograde.
DO NOT TRAVEL OR MAKE RESERVATIONS This includes Airline, Train, Bus, Cruise Tickets, Hotel Reservations, Excursion packages, etc. etc. If it can at all be avoided DO NOT TRAVEL, even by car, on a Mercury Retrograde, nor make future travel plans on a Mercury Retrograde. Of course, one has to live! *lol*, but be extra careful when driving around town. YOU may be a great defensive driver, but others are not. Be especially alert during this time as accidents abound while Mercury Retrogrades. Why? Because Mercury rules both cars and travel!
DO NOT SIGN ANY CONTRACTS! Buying a house, Selling a house, Lawsuits, Any kind of Loan, (College, Car, House, Credit, whatever). Do not place an Ad in the paper. Do not List stuff for sale on Ebay, etc. DO NOT SIGN ANYTHING until the Retrograde is over. I cannot be emphatic enough about this!!!!!
DO NOT HAVE, or SCHEDULE, SURGERY, ETC Of course, this speaks to Elective surgery—> any kind of surgery that is ‘scheduled’. Emergency Surgery is a different story. This admonition also goes for Dentistry. If it can be ‘scheduled’, don’t have any work done during a Mercury Retrograde; nor, schedule during a Mercury Retrograde any future work to be done. ALWAYS WAIT until Mercury goes Direct to make appointments and get treatments.
DO NOT START ANY NEW PROJECTS Exercise, Diet, Kitchen/Bath Redo, tearing your Car apart and replacing with a new Transmission/Engine, etc. Don’t start a new Learning program/Educational classes. Don’t try a new Recipe. Don’t even try a new Restaurant! *lol* Don’t have new Carpet/Flooring installed, Roof repaired, etc. etc. ALWAYS WAIT until Mercury goes Direct to both Schedule AND have the Work done.
MERCURY RETROGRADE is a time to lay-low, take a breather, relax, THINK about future plans, NOT take action on those plans. It’s a time to make sure that all the i’s are dotted and t’s crossed before signing on that dotted line. It’s a time to get your ducks in order, double-check everything, let every contingency come to light BEFORE signing on that dotted line or taking action on any new projects.
It’s an adult TIME-OUT. And, while often frustrating because we feel like a charged-up horse being held at the gate, this time is SO conducive to putting our best foot forward to ensure that the wonderful plans and expectations we had in mind are actually fulfilled without extra cost, time, effort, and aggravation. When Mercury goes Direct, THAT is when the gate is once again open and we can run like the wind to fulfill our dreams.
Don’t forget that it works on children too. You may find them more cranky, demanding, and frustrated at this time; which just so happens to be the perfect time to teach, and experience, PATIENCE… theirs and our own, *lol*
Remember, ‘For every Thing, there is a Season’.
MERCURY RETROGRADE IS NOT the Season for any ‘Thing’, any ‘Action’; it is only for dreaming our future. Get those dreams firmly in mind. Dream of how wonderful, beautiful, and happy this ‘dream-come-true’ is gonna be. And, when the gate opens again, THAT is the time to MAKE IT HAPPEN, MAKE IT MATERIALIZE.
Whew had me spooked, THE MOP is safe
So that new years resolution diet was only good for 2 days? I Just started It at 11:45 am yesterday, because of this astrology thing. I wanted to try It, and now I’m confused.
Thank you Faire Maiden. I was thinking it was about time for this again.
Sent you a PM
Oh FaireMaiden I so look forward to these from you!
And of course I need to address dental issues and car repair and hate to drive here here on the autoban (according to the folks who live around here).
And need to put things up for sale on the e site…
Wow, rest or organize and clean til Jan 25 sounds pretty good to me!
Trust your dental issues are long in the past and you have a healthy happy new year in 2016!
And please do keep these tidbits coming.
And I am going to dream about winning a billion dollar lottery soon…but I do have to take action and buy a ticket…hmmmm….
THANKS SO MUCH FAIRMAIDEN! I was just thinking about this Monday. On Monday, Jan. 4th was my Grandson’s birthday. As we sat and socialized on back porch, I was starring out into the woods (very peaceful) and thinking about Mercury Retro. Thinking it should be time???? And I see you took care of all of us. THIS IS FOR REAL! I totally forgot Mercury Retro. with excitement of new floors my husband had put in. It started in September (and totally slipped my mind…Mercury). Well all "HELL" broke out w/these floors. Quiet alot of problems left and right. I remembered (but it was too late and my husband doesn’t believe) and wanted to stop the job till later…he was not going to let this happen. We payed……we had so many, many problems with the floor. Later I tell him (once they FINALLY FINISHED THE JOB), "Now maybe next time you will listen!" So glad you take care of all of us my luv! :womanwink: Everyone here is on me to have new Shepherd neutered soon…like in January. I told them, "NOT NO BUT HELL NO." Gonna wait!
Thank you so much Fairemaiden…….:womanwink:
Thank you for reminding me about the dates Faire. I dread Mercury Retrograde so much that sometimes I wish I could hibernate under the covers until it’s over. There’s so much that happens that I attribute to Mercury Retrograde that I can’t control so I’m glad to know about the things I can delay. Thanks again!
My dog "MAX" / Shepherd his birthday is January 22. He will be one year old. Tell me girlfriend, "AND I WILL FOLLOW!"
Thank you again! :womanwink:
Only one more day…thank goodness! This was a particularly stressful Mercury retrograde even more so than usual. My daughter’s was worse. Faire, is that because of our own individual astrological signs or charts?
Thank you very much for this important information:) Peace and love:):heart:
Glad I didn’t see this thread before I had to drive 1500 miles to bring my child back to college and then fly home. I really would have been nervous. Thankfully all went well. I will keep those other dates in mind. Unfortunately have travel plans during some of them. Thanks for the news. I love reading these things. :smileyhappy:
Thank you Farie for this thread and all the information you added.I try to plan around retrogrades as far in advance as I can.It has been cold here so that made it easier not to want to start projects.I will certainly plan for my Christmas shopping 2016 in advance.I love astrology but not very good at figuring it out so your thread is really appreciated.
FaireMaiden I’m glad thats over! I’m ready to kick up my heels and head to the nearest casino! 😉 I think its time to feed the machines.What do you think? Is it safe?
FaireMaiden my plans got changed,by someone I can’t say no too so I didn’t get to use your advice where I wanted to go..but I had the radio playing and they were taking the 4th caller for a set of concert tickets and I won. :smileyvery-happy: then I changed stations and won another prize package! and I regifted them to my nieces.which made us all three happy. 😉 Thank you! :womanwink:
Bumping this up because Mercury is Retrograde again and most of all because I miss your posts Faire…Sure wish you would start posting again..Even if you are on a purchase strike you could still post..I am sure I can’t be the only one that misses you.
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Posted in Electronics
21 Replies
05.01.16 10:34 PM
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