Price adjustment
Hello, I just purchased an item last night, and today the price has dropped. Do you offer price adjustments? I would just cancel the order and purchase again, but 1 of the items are sold out. Please let me know my options.
, we do offer a Price Guarantee! If any items you purchase drop in price within 30 days of your order date, just let us know and we’ll gladly issue a refund for the difference in cost. I’ve issued a refund for the difference in cost on both of your orders. The refunds are both in the amount of $20 and will post back to your original method of payment within the next 3 business days.
Congratulations on your win!!!
I am so happy for you:)
Thank you for sharing your photo and story!!
Congratulations to the 09/5/16 winner, ?!
We asked: Celebrate back to school with your most memorable story and picture!
You answered: Hi Adam! When I was in 2nd grade, my dad took me to my elementary school’s Father Daughter Valentine’s Day Dance. There was a photographer waiting for us when we entered the gymnasium dressed up in our Sunday clothes. After having our photo snapped, I ran to find my little friends, showed off my daddy, and danced the night away! It is, by far, my fondest school memory.
Check your email on file inbox for gift card details.
my memorable story is sending my first and only child to pre-k this year. our memories begin now! 🙂
Okay here it goes most memorable story! It was my freshman year of high school and this random guy starts talking to me about my brother and family and I didn’t know who he was. Finally he asked me if I knew he was I told him no, he responded with I’m your cousin. Wow, I can’t believe it. That story sticks with me 15 years after it happened I will never forget that story.
Hi Adam! When I was in 2nd grade, my dad took me to my elementary school’s Father Daughter Valentine’s Day Dance. There was a photographer waiting for us when we entered the gymnasium dressed up in our Sunday clothes. After having our photo snapped, I ran to find my little friends, showed off my daddy, and danced the night away! It is, by far, my fondest school memory. :heart:
The winner will be announce on the Monday Night Show September 5
Being first was very important in Kindergarten and I don’t know why.
When it was time to line up at the water fountain in I ran to be first, head tipped to the side and hand ready to turn the knob…well the water fountainwas built in and towards the end of the of counter top.
My mouth managed to land right on the corner of the countertop and took a tooth or two out.
For my son, I liked to have him wear the same shirt on the first day of school each year and would take a picture by the door of his new class that showed the grade. By 5th grade my husband was insisting that I don’t because the shirt was getting tight. I still liked the idea and my son was pretty neutral on it, but that ended the tradition.
For the record, I bought a shirt that was big and cool for kids, so it wasn’t super tight.
Can you figure out who this Monday Night Show guest is? Here’s a hint…he’s quite an electronics buff. :smileywink:
Ok gang, can you guess who this Monday Night Show guest is?
Here’s one of my back to school photos! A handsome little devil, don’t ya think? :smileyvery-happy:
?, I hope the fact that I didn’t provide a photo won’t leave me out of the running. Under no circumstances would I put my likeness on the internet unless it’s for professional reasons. No….
Are you sure you want to here this? *lol*
Kindergarten was ‘back to school’ for me because my mom worked and I had been in nursery school, (what is now called pre-school), for two years already.
So, there I am… third day of Kindergaten. I get to school and all the boys are dressed in jackets and little bow-ties, their hair slicked down with Brylcreem. The girls are all dressed in their prettiest pinafores with their shiny Mary Jane patent-leather shoes and lace socks, their hair curled beautifully and tied-up with ribbons.
I’ll never forget the pointing fingers and ridiculing laughter because my mother forgot that it was picture day and dressed me like a slob in an undershirt, crappy dress, and requisite scare-hair. I’ve spent the last thousand years in therapy trying to get over the traumatizing humiliation of that day as it is indelibly seared into my memory. Thanks, mom! *lol*
And, which is why, HSN is so much the richer for my obsessive shopping to ALWAYS be ‘put together’ with fine clothes and jewelry! *rofl*
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Posted in Customer Service
28 Replies
09.06.16 4:02 AM
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