Order Missing in My Orders
I placed an order for the TS yesterday and took advantage of the Visa Checkout offer. I logged in to order another set later int he day but did not see the order in “order status” & “order history”, and after browsing on the website, it suddenly popped up so I took a picture of the screen to keep the order number in case the order “disappeared” again. It did. I emailed customer service last night and haven’t received a response. I logged into my credit card website and saw that the card was charged, but there is still no reflection of the order on my account. I called but the wait time was unbearable and am waiting to “chat” with a CS member but the window apparently isn’t working or accepting my question. I don’t know what is going on. Any help is greatly appreciated.
, sorry you haven’t gotten a response on this matter yet. The Visa Checkout offer automatically creates a guest account. This should automatically combine with your regular account within 3 business days. If it hasn’t, please contact customer service at 1-800-284-3900 and request your accounts be merged together.
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Posted in Customer Service
2 Replies
12.11.16 3:53 PM
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