Need a customer service rep to help with receiving a mark down in price, please.
I found that the following item was reduced #518-476 by $35.05.
I purchased and the mark down occurred within the 30 day guideline. I called and was told they would only credit me $27 because I have only made one flex payment. Since when has this been the rule?
Using that logic: a bracelet costs $500. You have 6 flexpays of $84. It’s marked down to $250 4 days after purchase. You’re telling me I only receive $84 in markdown because that’s all I’ve paid so far?
Someone needs to show me this rule pretty fast because I have NEVER experienced this EVER in all the years I’ve shopped HSN.
Best answer ?!
, you were given correct information. Our system is not set up to refund more than has currently been paid for an item.
It is a shame that HSN’s system is not flexible. If you had ordered this on QVC, they would have reduced the amount of your flexpays to account for the bracelet, in your example. QVC did this for me on a computer I ordered that was reduced by $200 but I had only paid one easy pay of $97. The other easy pays where reduced so I received the entire $200 credit.
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Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
08.08.16 3:13 PM
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