My debit card was charged twice but my order did not go through?
My debit card was charged twice along with a donation fee that I gave however, my order did not go through because my billing address was different than my shipment address. Will the fees drop? I cant find an order history and i did not receive any confirmation e mails. Thank you!
VelveteenRabbit, you are a gem. You’ve done such an excellent task in keeping us informed and on track. – Thanks!!
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Yes, the numbers are looking funny today. I think they want at least a three for her return. I knew something was off, because I gave 2 of the (new) 1’s the helpful sign, but I couldn’t on the others because the system said I had already ‘helpful’ them. (Not if they are the new ones since yesterday).
I too have watched the numbers and I have never seen it hit 1000 and then move to another number. Sorry but I haven’t. Just sayin.
There were 1,012 1 star reviews a couple of days ago. I have been tracking the numbers for over 2 weeks. If you read this thread from the beginning you will see what we are talking about.
NO it hasn’t and what you are actually doing is wrong and you know it. Fraud is what you are.
Sorry to hear about this! It does look like this was canceled fully, so the authorization should drop off soon. Most banks drop it within 72 business hours, but you’ll want to check with your bank for their authorization release time frames.
Thank you for your reply!:catvery-happy:
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
7 Replies
01.30.16 2:29 PM
0 Participants