Misplaced Felxpay payment card
I would like to know how many times a card is tried during the flexpay process. I have misplaced my card and won’t have a replacement until 1/13. How does that work?
? did mein leibchen Thor make the craziest stain you had to clean ever??? LOL!.:womansurprised::womanvery-happy:
You have summerized all that is wrong with QVC and for that I thank you. To add: Not only am I tired of all that “god” talk on Shawn’s shows, but it’s hard to take her seriously when she looks like a clearance-priced Goth hooker… hot garbage…
We’ll try it a few times before sending to collections. However, we can move flexpays back by up to 30 days so we can avoid this completely. 🙂 If you’d like, I can move any flexpays due before 1/13 back to 1/14? Please let me know.
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Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
11.08.16 7:23 PM
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