HSN, why ask for our input?
HSN, why ask for our input, when you decide everything anyways??? HSN does not address real issues, but make changes that are suppose to be better just because they are different to benefit themselves. Take some little benefit away and do not even bother to ask the members their opinion about it. HSN you lack even a simple courtesy and will not even address a post by one of your members. What is the real problem HSN? :smileyfrustrated:
Does this have anything to do with home and crafts? This should be in Talk Among Yourselves under the new changes coming to the forum thread.
It is a political move. We took everyone’s opinions into consideration, but it in the BEST interest of, blah, blah, blah, yada, yada. Doing it this way is an easier let down. :womanwink:
I believe the new system was in place before our opinions were even voiced. It’s called “placation” and was done to make us feel like community members input are valuable in policy making..:womanindifferent:
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
4 Replies
03.01.17 1:33 AM
0 Participants