Flex pay schedule
Hello, I have Flex Pay on a jacked of mine. The payments are $ 4.98 for 4 months but I believe there has been a mistake with the schedule. I paid the 12/1 and 1/20 payments but the next payment is due 1/30 then there’s nothing due in Febuary and on 3/1 is my final payment. Shouldn’t there be one payment on January and one in February?? Not two in January (within 10 days of eachother) then nothing at all in February. The order number is xxxxxxxxxx And it’s my Margaritaville Stretch Twill Jacket.
***Edited by HSN: Removed Order Number to comply with Community Guidelines***
?, I’m probably older than you, but who knows, with all the new “stuff” they will come out with, in the medical field and all other fields of technology, we just might be able to see it all. :smileysurprised:
Will we want to? By the way I’m in my soon to be mid sixties.
I want to. I am 76, at present, and I always tell my age, if it comes up. Proud to have gotten to this point, after all a lot of things could have happened along the way that could have prevented it. I’m looking forward to more aging and experiencing what there is to come. . :smileyhappy:
Good for you. You have a wonderful attitude. Keep it up.
There are very few partners that you can use the Plenti card at to earn points. HSN is not one of them
, according to our records, your second FlexPay was actually due on December 31 however it was declined when we attempted to take it. The payment cleared on January 20 however your remaining FlexPays would still remain on their original schedule. The final 2 FlexPays for this order are scheduled for January 30 and March 1.
This is incorrect because there was a major screw up on HSN’s part and all of my December payments were made
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Posted in Customer Service
8 Replies
11.24.16 5:21 PM
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