Can’t find confirmation of my order.
I ordered under guestand because I lost my HSN password. ( I have found it now) I can’t find my order anywhere. I paid through PayPal and it’s already been taken out of my account. I need to know if this order went through. Thanks, Toni
I won a $25 gift card on the Adam Freeman Monday Night Show and I missed it. But I got my gift card by email. Thank you HSN and thank you Adam you sweetie pie, you. I never won anything before. Happy Pookie.:smileyhappy::heart:
Congratulations Pookie!
Congratulations to the 8/1/16 winner, ?!
We asked:
If you had to grow your food or make your clothes, which would you choose?
You answered: Neither, I would wander the streets aimlessly, hungry and cold, waiting for my packages to arrive from HSN and save me.Check your email on file for gift card details.
I would grow my veggies. My sewing is so bad my home economic’s teacher gave up and finished my project for me when I was in school!!!!
I would sew my own clothes. I would get all my advice from Darlene Cahill and buy knitting tools from HSN and sewing machines.
I would definitely make my own clothes. I have a Degree in Home Economics and Sewing is one of my favorite things to do. Actually, sewing my Daughter’s Clothing is what I do best. Sewing my own clothing is very time consuming and more difficult for me-but, I suppose I would do it again if I thought I could win this contest!
I am not good at either so I would wear a sheet & eat eirms?
My heart says grow my own food.
My head says stay inside where it’s cool in the summer and warm in the winter, and make my own clothes.
Adam, I would have to choose make my clothes. I used to sew for my family back when I was a stay at home mom so I know I could do it again. I live in the desert and my yard is like concrete, so I couldn’t grow much here, and the city water doesn’t make anything thrive. We’ve only had 1 1/2″ of rain this year!
? adam, this is such an easy question to answer!!! i would buy hundreds of sheet sets on sale at hsn. i would buy belts, shawls, scarves, shoes, boots, leggings, etc., all at hsn… and viola! i am a fashion diva. does this count as “making” my clothes? it’s the best i could do. i would grow my own food, but i would need a greenhouse, so i’d “make” my clothing with hsn’s help.:heart: nik
Hard question! I am not outdoors person, so I would have to choose make my own clothing, because I feel I could really make an impact on clothing for women who love comfort and like traditional timeless pieces. Thinking about the hours I spend shopping in the mall and watching HSN for the right pieces really adds up. To be able to produce items made here in the USA and contribute to my family’s income would be great. Also, I think it would be a stress reducer for me. So, no on the garden, but, I have to admit fresh veggies would be nice to munch on, while I am creating something wonderful to wear.
I would choose make my own clothes. I love to sew, And there is no way I would give up restaurants and fast food! Going out to eat is a treat for me. Besides, I would love to get good enough with sewing to be a great designer! And who could give up McDonalds french fries????
I would choose making my own food and that would be a stretch. I would have no chance at making my own clothes. In reality if I want or need something I have to buy it.
I have to grow my own food. I can’t make my own clothes.
I’ve done both and I’ll take growing the food, thank you very much. My clothes look like something that were made on Project Runway – by the losers!
Now it’s crafting only when I sew. Food is always well received.
Conversation Info
Posted in Customer Service
83 Replies
01.22.16 6:43 AM
0 Participants