andrew lessman coupon not working help?
Hi, i used it the other day it work now say not valid? 162014
While some like to oversimplify the issue and claim that HSN is doing something nefarious, the fact is they are ignoring the terms and conditions (although they are quick to point out the date range on the terms).
The coupon discounts regularly-priced items and is not valid to use on sale items. Due to Andrew’s visit, HSN put all items on event pricing; therefore, everything is already o sale. You cannot use the coupon to discount sale items. It is very simple.
After the visit, the products will return to their normal price, and you can use the coupn as much as you want,
So many people here are trying to get something for nothing and then complaining when it does not work.
Call Customer Service they can put the discount in your kash & place the order for you this is what I did an I saved over 18.00 with their help so you can save today hope this helps.
I have been a loyal HSN customer for years . The decision not to honor the coupon during Andrews visit,I received for BUYING his products- is the last straw. They have even changed the date when it is active on the coupon rules. I have the coupon here is a photo – yep now I am done.
why wont the customer service help? i cant find it on main page and that is so wrong!
wow that is messed up!!
HSN has renigged on the coupon until 12/6, AFTER Andrew’s visit!.:smileysad: There is a thread about it on the main community page.
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Posted in Customer Service
7 Replies
12.04.16 11:30 PM
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