good afternoon ca you please tell me whay my accoint is block i though i was paying my account on time did i do something wrong
HI SIMPLE 11 :smileyhappy: …….GOOD FOR YOU—YOU FOUND A ‘POSITIVE’ WAY TO RELAX AND KEEP YOUR SANITY!!!! :womanhappy: BEATS SOME OF THE ALTERNATIVES, RIGHT?! Something I forgot to mention—some of the patterns (alot actually) ARE JUST TOO TINY-and not colorable (is that even a word? lol), their just TOO SMALL!!! Even using tiny nib felt tips! If you ‘crafty’s’ have any suggestions-love to hear! happy coloring simple11! =)
Thanks Simple11,
That is a place to look I have not been in any dollar store dollar tree or big lots job lots dollar general etc in a month of Sundays.
Children coloring books are just as good I hear you. i purchased three sets of Disney Frozen over the holidays. Some had stickers and some had paints etc. Expensive price there by time I was done. For two little girls but they really liked it so it was well worth their smiles,:smileyhappy:
Thanks for stopping by come back again.
Your HSN friend,
I don’t understand your comment.
This is interesting, I have never seen a promo to buy a car on HSN???? It sure would be funny if you could put it on your HSN card. What would it buy a YUGO? or maybe the station wagon variety- the WE ALLGO.
In all seriousness I am a cardholder & I have never seen a promotion or a Preferred offer for a car????? No way would I buy what I drive on that financing program……………………………
Hsn actually partnered with Ford and offered a discount to HSN Shoppers last fall. I remember seeing the promos and advertisements along with an actual airing of the offer. I thought I would never buy a car using HSN, but they offered a huge discount saving people hundreds of dollars. My friend actually bought a car using HSN’s promo code. When she called in to ‘order,’ they gave her a promo code to take to the dealer. She said it was super easy. I wasn’t in the market for a new car at the time, but after hearing about my friend’s good experience and the money she saved, I would consider buying a car using an HSN promo code. Oh no, I don’t want to say this too loud. I don’t want HSN to do another half day programing showcasing cars. LOL
On a side note, I hope you’re doing well, Tam. I think of you often and keep you in my prayers. It’s nice to see you in the community again. I have been really busy and don’t get to pop in as often as I’d like. Take care.
? Thanks for explaining & great seeing you post. Hope everything going well for you too! I must have missed seeing that promo so I will say” I am sorry to all, MY BAD.” Generally with carrying the HSN card I read stuff. Hopefully if anyone was in the market for a Ford they got to take advantage of it at the time.:)
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Posted in Customer Service
9 Replies
09.17.16 5:57 PM
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