Account blocked
Was wondering why my account is blocked?
You’ve said it better than I ever could, StormyGirl. Thanks!
Thank you…
Trekky, I’d love, or would have loved to go fishing with you and some good fishing rods. Most of my successful target species has been for walleye and lake perch on lakes iin Wi and the U.P. I ice fished a lot too, especially on Lake Mendota in Madison, Wi. Fished FL a couple of times with a guide and my Dad, that was a gas,
We don’t have a lot of fishing Poles in the U.P., mostly fishing Scandinavians, Italians, and Finns. I lived with a lawyer in Milwaukee who was a Pole, but turned out to be a real rod (seriously).
I’m curious as to where and what you mainly fished for. Hope you still get to wet a line!
, I’m sending you a Private Message with the details.
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Posted in Customer Service
5 Replies
02.02.16 4:35 AM
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