The Monday Night Show Asks: What’s the craftiest thing you’ve ever come up with?
What’s the craftiest thing you’ve ever come up with? Share your answer and tune in May 11 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
A Plastic Bag Reef For Christmas. Use a Hanger and sandwich bags lots of fun.
The afghan I made for my mom. My dad kept it after she passed away and after he passed away it came back to me.
thank you for saying that, we were all sad, and were donating food, water, shelter, clothes, so for Christmas we got a group from each town together to fill wishes for those who were destroyed, and those who could not make Christmas for them:) thank you so much
Hmmm? I consider myself very crafty and love a lot of different crafts, but I can’t come up with anything that stands out to post about here. I guess I’m a jack-of-all-trades and a master of none when it comes to crafts. :womanindifferent:
Hello and How are you tonite ADAM, LOVING HSN AND YOU:)
crafty maybe going to the beach, a nice sunny day and making wish jars, and giving them out as gifts, during Hurricane sandy
The carftiest thing I ever did was make a Christmas tree costume for a friend’s child. The tree was green felt and i made ornaments out of bright colored felt and sequins. The garland was made out of gold upholstery finge and there was a hat that was the shape of a star for the top of the tree. It was a great costume.
My eldest son kept me on my creative toes when it came to Halloween costumes. One year he wanted to be a tree so I made a cape and a cap covered with leaves cut out of felt. I still have this costume! Other years he was: a house (won a price at our local mall for this costume) I crafted out of a box. There were flower boxes complete with flowers under the windows. I fixed a hat for him with a weather vane on top of it. The United States (a map made out of foam and felt. An antique padlock. The padlock was painted with black and a bronze color and the top of the padlock was a spray painted pool noodle.
Still learning :womanlol:
I lack basic artistic skills. I cannot draw a straight line with a ruler! However, one time for christmas for all my great nieces and nephews, I got these small white piggy banks, and decorated them with colorful stickers. I also put each childs name on the bank in stickers, and put a golden dollar in each one to get them started! 🙂
*pathetic I know, lol 🙂
When my son was in preschool, the kids had a traveling teddy bear. We parents were asked to write a short blurb about what adventures he had while staying in our home, to go in the folder that traveled with him. My son and I decided to dress our teddy bears to act out The Night Before Christmas, and included in the folder many photos of their cute scenes from the poem. I heard from several parents that their children really enjoyed it, so we did another one of the Story of Christmas for the bear’s next visit. HUGE hit, so I started printing more to give to my friends who had little ones. I was encouraged to submit a manuscript and it was accepted! It was a small run, with a very small publisher, but it taught me about the publishing industry. I gathered the props, mostly comprising vintage toys in the proper proportion to the bears that had been hand made by talented artists, but I made some of the bears’ costumes and about a half dozen of the props myself. It was a wonderful experience. At this point, with a dwindling inventory, I now only donate or give around the holidays, so I’m not looking to sell anyone anything! But I hope to find a larger publisher that can market the book to a wider audience in the future. You just never know what can become of a simple idea! Go for it. You’ll never regret trying!
A friend had just gone thru a nasty divorce. Low self esteem. Had a make over. Framed picture with "New Dawn Rising". It picked her right up. She still has the photo today.
Hopefully this isn’t too sad to share but I made potpourri with the flowers from my brother’s funeral and put them in small glass box containers that I etched with his name. It really was beautiful for my family. I love to craft and making these were so comforting.
I never grew up crafty. the only thing i ever did was make my parents an ash tray. oh gawd.
MANY years ago, I embroidered flowers and bumblebees all over a pair of jeans. I wasn’t even that experienced at embroidery at that time, but I LOVED those jeans. To this day, I wish I had saved them.
Making mini albums personalized for my daughter, sister, grandson and nephew. By adding things they enjoy and like along with embellishments and scriptures, they were really nice, in my humble opinion.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
67 Replies
05.06.15 7:39 AM
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