The Monday Night Show Asks: What’s the craftiest thing you’ve ever come up with?
What’s the craftiest thing you’ve ever come up with? Share your answer and tune in May 11 at 7PM for the Monday Night Show with Adam Freeman to see if your story gets shared on air or picked to win a $25 gift card to HSN.
Smoky Snow…I am so happy for YOU! 🙂
Congrats Smoky Snow! Loved your answer!!!!! :smileylol::heart:
great show every Monday night with ADAM, awesome
Here’s the scrapbook we gave away last night!
I live in Wisconsin were for some deer hunting is considered a holiday. Two of our friends & I had our babies within a couple months of each other and they were all boys. So, I sewed 3 blaze orange outfits out of a nice warm fleece. I did not use a pattern but instead used my sons clothes to see how they were put together. I made pull over hoodies & pants with built in mittens and footsies. I had my husband take their outfits to the babies the night before opening day. They were so surprised and excited.
I was trimming up my lavendar, chopping off a bunch. Had WAY too much for more potpourri, and decided to try my hand a flower-pressing… with my CUTTLEBUG! I made some wonderful SCENTED card tops when the CB pressed these gorgeous flowers onto watercolor rectangles. Perfect little thank you notes and just because cards. Everyone asked about them. And I believe I spurred on a flurry of crafter pressing vibrant flowers onto more cardstock and other papers. The colors! Some of the pressings look like Impressionist paintings. It was such fun. I still continue to do it today… only now with other things… Veggies are awesome! Red beets, shocking carrots… beautiful natural color hues.
Congrats, smokysnow! Very creative! Perhaps chimein’s horrifying story from last night about the frog jogged your memory!
:smileylol: :smileywink:
The crafest thing I ever made was gingerbread houses out of card boad boxes painted and covered it with fake candy and lined the houses with icing of cotton strands along the edges and shingled roof, along with a gingerbread train also made out of card board boxes. formed the engine covered it and two cars with red felt and embroridered and deco them. Made ginger bread people to go with it. One house even lit up inside. everyone loved it…..
SmokySnow, CONGRATULATIONS TO YOU, Great Job!!!! enjoyed your answer, well deserved, enjoy your shopping @ HSN, have a great night, xoxox toffeedude xoxoxo
Congrats SmokySnow! Have fun shopping!
I made a candle out of yarn,bacon grease and a glass.
Congrats, TEAM Shivan! Your show and the scrapbook competition were hilarious, Adam! Loved, loved, loved it!
Congratulations to the 5/11/15 winner, SmokySnow!
We asked: What’s the craftiest thing you’ve ever come up with?
You answered: When I was little, my brother got an assignment from his junior high Science teacher:
take home a frog they’d been dissecting in class, and sew it up. She gave no details
on how to do this. Mom wasn’t home when my brother came home, so he said to me,
“Hey, let’s figure out how to use the sewing machine and sew this frog up!” And we did!
It wasn’t easy! LOL Talk about a nutty “arts & crafts” project!Needless to say, Mom threw a fit when she found out what we’d done! And as for
my brother’s grade on his project–he passed, but the teacher held up his frog in
front of the class and said, “I’m going to use this as an example of how NOT to do this
project in the future!” But honestly, if you want students to learn how to do the project
correctly (sew it by hand and stuff the frog with cotton), you’ve got to explain it to them, TEACHER!!!Check your Private Message inbox for gift card details.
I made a robot costume for my son when he was 7. I cut out the handle part of a gallon
Milk jug and lined the opening with foam, sprayed the whole helmet black, then used cardboard box for the body and sprayed it silver, used dryer hose for the pants and arms and wired Christmas lights to a battery and pulled those through another piece of spiky packing foam that was black and when he walked up and down the street, he blinked off and on. This was 1989, before the battery operated lights in the store. All the neighbors were calling the next neighbor so they could step outside and see him.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
67 Replies
05.06.15 7:39 AM
0 Participants