Singer Futura XL-580 Sewing/Embroidery Machine
Please, please tell me the Singer Futura XL-580 is coming back in stock soon! I keep missing Singer shows and I’ve very sad that sewing/quilting is not a bigger part of the HSN showings. With so many products sold out, it appears I’m not the only one looking.
Hoping someone can give me some information,
Hello SoDisappointed1 – I currently have the Singer Futura XL-400 in stock but I’ll gladly check with our Buyers for availability of the XL-580 model for you and I’ll post back with news. I don’t want you to miss any more shows! Just sign into your account and select Communication Preferences, then pick Singer in the Crafts & Sewing section. You’ll get an email or text in advance of the next show!
You’ve been more than wonderful. Thank you very much. Yes…my fingers are crossed 😉
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
3 Replies
05.28.15 11:50 PM
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