Singer Futura XL-580 Sewing/Embroidery Machine
Please, please tell me the Singer Futura XL-580 is coming back in stock soon! I keep missing Singer shows and I’ve very sad that sewing/quilting is not a bigger part of the HSN showings. With so many products sold out, it appears I’m not the only one looking.
Hoping someone can give me some information,
You’ve been more than wonderful. Thank you very much. Yes…my fingers are crossed 😉
Hello SoDisappointed1 – I currently have the Singer Futura XL-400 in stock but I’ll gladly check with our Buyers for availability of the XL-580 model for you and I’ll post back with news. I don’t want you to miss any more shows! Just sign into your account and select Communication Preferences, then pick Singer in the Crafts & Sewing section. You’ll get an email or text in advance of the next show!
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
3 Replies
05.28.15 11:50 PM
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