Shipping Delays and Next Week Craft/Anna Griffin Shows
Looking forward to some of Anna Griffin’s new products next week but I need to know if your problems in the warehouse have been fixed? I got some orders from 10/5 craft day a week ago and some orders just disappeared. Your staff took care of all that but before I order any of Anna G’s Christmas items, I need to know if it will take 30 days to ship.
, I understand your concern but it shouldn’t take 30 days to receive new orders. You should be getting your orders by the expected delivery date.
I don’t know about Anna Griffin items but my Crafters Companion items which were ordered October 22 with a delivery date of November 11 are still sitting in space.
While I ordered a kitchen item the other day and it has been sent to me (tracked it and it’s halfway here).
Guess it’s a 50-50 chance of next week craft items shipping in the near future.
Guess I replied too soon. My kitchen item I ordered and it shipped out promptly NEVER MADE IT TO THE UPS FACILITY in NJ!!!!!!!! It’s lost in space. Thanks HSN you did a ‘good’ job again…….not. Still waiting for my October 22 craft packages to ship…..Crafters Companion says HSN has them.
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
4 Replies
11.18.16 12:31 PM
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