Sewing Machine Help
I need a sewing machine for a young lady who is a beginner. What would be a good one for her to start with? She does have a friend with some sewing experience who is going to help her. She wants to make clothes and cosplay costumes.
Dazed and Confused,
Tomorrow Tomorrow Darlene Cahill will be here tomorrow, It is only a day away. 9am till 10am then again on at 7pm till 8pm.
Your HSN friend,
Hi DandC,
I am going to make this short and sweet. I have been meaning to tell you. I think you are awesome to help someone learn a fabulous life skill as sewing. Not only that but you are helping them get their creative juices flowing and being artistic. I can see you love this Young Lady very much and you deeply care about her.
I think you are awesome for doing this for her.
Blessings to you may the good deed come back to you 1,000 fold.
Your HSN friend,
I have the Singer Heavy Duy machine. I bought it as a Todays Special with the Serger a few years back.
I am not an advanced sewer, by any means. I have had only one basic machine before these.
I love this Singer Heavy Duty sewing machine, though. It is really easy to figure out.
Btw, inform her to look on youtube for instructional videos if she needs help…even with threading the machine.Okay, so I am still afraid of the Serger, I must admit, but the Singer Serger did seem less scary than the others. lol
Thank you, CupaTea. I have been looking at these machines and what I wanted for her was basically what you said. Something that isn’t too complicated, but something that can she do more with as she learns. Her friend will be helping her, and she will be practicing too. Since she does want to make costumes, she will need something like you said to add little bits here and there.
I do plan to upgrade her later on, as well as add a serger in the near future. Right now I’m getting the machine, table and dress form.
Again, thank you. I appreciate your help!
Hi DazedAndConfused,
Might I make a few suggestions. For a beginner I would start off with a mechanical sewing machine.I would also get something that a beginner can grow into. Meaning something more then a few stitches and and a few pressure feet. The other thing is something that has some power to it. Meaning stitches per minute. Something reasonable priced.
Here are a few machines to think about.
Singer 4432 Heavy Duty Sewing machine added value package 1,100 spm. 299.95 sorry no item number. I have the sister to this 5532. This is my little power house. I use this for all my heavy duty sewing.
Singer 1304 Start Mechanical sewing machine 129.95 sorry no item #
Brother 35 stitch function sewing machine 99.95 No item #
Brother Project runway All in One sewing machine this one is computerized item # 360-265 169.95
As far as I can see on the site none of these have the stitches per minute. Which is really very important information. I always look to that plus how many accessories one gets with these machines.
I have 5 sewing machines all Singer all purchased here at HSN. At the time I could not find a better bang for my buck out there then here with the accessories package.
The machines that I have listed you can go on the Singer and Brother site and get a better idea as to what they are all about.
I am also disappointed that HSN does not show the item number for the singers what is up with that??
Anyway for cosplay customs little bits get added here and there on the costume. Plus if the young lady has never used a sewing machine before then you really want something that is easy to thread and basic. That is way I picked these one out for you to take a look at.
I am not a professional sewer but I do sew and I did have a great teacher my mom.
Hope this helps you out my friend,
Your HSN Friend,
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
6 Replies
10.27.15 2:16 PM
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