I’m a 24 hour craft day fan! HSN please bring it back!!!!!
I am SHOCKED and SADDENED that today CRAFTS is sharing its day with HOME. WHY??? Maybe you don’t realize this but we crafters LIVE for the 24 hr craft event!!!!!
? It is only supposed to work once on ur very 1st purchase! :smileywink:
Thanks for the welcome. I just did the same thing in my shopping cart again, and it appears it was going to give me the same deal a second time. Do you know how long this $20 off will last for me? Just today or for a set amount of time? Thanks, and I hope this makes sense. LOL
, I’m sorry for any disappointment. Hope you’re still enjoying the craft shows today. Make sure you tune in on 3/16 for our first real 24hr Craft Event of the year.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
4 Replies
09.25.16 2:21 PM
0 Participants