Craft Day on weekdays, AGAIN!!!
Is there anyone else out there that would appreciate some of the craft shows being aired on the weekends (not a weekday)? I have requested this a couple of times from HSN but, apparently nobody sees it my way. :womanmad: I can’t believe that i am the only crafter who has a full time job and has no time to sit and watch all day on a Tuesday. I could however enjoy watching on the weekends! Just thought i would vent as the only wayt hat i can watch on March 16th will be if i take a sick day from work, and that wouldn’t be so smart since i would probably spend all kinds of money If I could only watch the shows!
Well they could have crafts any day or weekends if they had time in their schedule:)
Just my opinion:)
Thank you for your post:)
Peace and love:)
xo–Linda aka LuckyLindy:)
Hi Tazian,
I agree with you on the weekend showing of Craft shows. Sometimes I don’t have time to watch on Tuesdays or week days and have to record the show, then by the time I get to watch it and if I need to purchase something it is sold out. If the item does come back in stock, it is not at the "specia’l price or part of the promotional price, it’s usually at full price!
Come on Crafters, let’s hear it for weekend craft shows!!!
Count me in as one who would also love to have a craft day on a weekend!! I’ve also contacted HSN with this suggestion. I sometimes take a day off from work just so I can watch and enjoy the shows. It would be SO nice though to have the pleasure of watching an all-day craft event on the weekend–and not have to use my PTO!
Craft Day on weekdays works for me. I do work full time but I have wekdays off as well. Just have to plan. I record the shows I am not able to watch.
I would love to see Craft day on the weekend as well. It is tough trying to take a sick day off. I believe they can make this work if they want too.
Count me in as one who would LOVE the craft shows on weekends!!
I probably wouldn’t get to watch as much if it was on weekends cause thats when my hubby wants to go out and do things.
I have noticed though that they have been putting most things up for sale as soon as they start coming in so I always watch the new arrivals for awhile before the craft day. So as they come in you can start ordering the products ahead of time and the price will be the same as craft day.. You can see the products that will be shown at least the day before, so that evening before, you can sit down and go thru each shows list of product and put them in you cart or go ahead and check out.
I noticed last craft day that some of Anna Griffin things were sold out before they were ever shown. So you have to watch before the shows ever start and see if there is something you really want. For me I am in the west so shows usually start at 10 pm the night before so you have to really jump on things that you really want. Yes if you work and wait til that night to order, a lot of things will be gone so you have to look the night before. If you live in the east you could put everything in your cart and the morning of the shows just check out. That will give you time the evening of craft day to at least watch your favorite product shows that you have ordered and then after viewing them you can decide before midnight eastern time if you want to keep or cancel something on your order.
I pretty well have to do that even though I can watch on craft day if I want to be sure and get what I want. Then as I watch the shows I have already ordered from I may decide after seeing it that I don’t want it after all or if I spent too much it still gives me a few hours to eliminate something(s)
I guess HSN thinks that most of us sit home all day….where do they think we get the money to spend on HSN???? We WORK, of course!
I haven’t been able to watch a Craft Day in SO long. Maybe I should count my blessings…..what I don’t see, I won’t buy!:catlol:
Have a great evening!
I agree I would LOVE to see the 24 hour Craft Day on the weekends, I also work during the week and am only able to watch for a few hours. You can go back and watch on line for the how to’s and ideas, but many of the things are sold out.
PLEASE, PLEASE Merchant Team try to make this happen.
I too work full time so the only way to watch the HSN 24 Hour Craft Day live is to take the day off. Unfortunately I can’t do that this week. I will be up at midnight watching and have all the shows set to record.
While I would agree to the Craft Day on the weekend – since March is National Craft Month why couldn’t we have a few hours during the evening on multiple evenings – or a few hours on multiple Saturdays during the month?
My two cents… :smileyhappy:
I agree. I always end up ordering without really seeing the demonstrations (and hoping that using the crafting item is intuitive). Then on the weekend, I go to youtube to watch each presentation that I missed (b/c they do post them up the same/next day). Sometimes that doesn’t work, though, b/c HSN doesn’t put every single presentation up, only the ones that really sold well (or sold out before I could see them) or were showstoppers or were new products. *SIGH* even now I’m writing this while on my lunch break and I only have 15 minutes to finish eating and get back to work.:womanfrustrated:
I Love the craft show segments, but I wish they would spread them out over several days for several hours instead of 24 hrs. Some people don’t even watch HSN on those days, so I suppose they do lose customers those days. I’m the same way when they have a cooking event day or a specific all day theme if I’m not that interested in that. I don’t want to watch cooking all day long. If they showed the crafts maybe 3 hours a day and spread them out throughout the month, then they could show some on the weekend as well.
Conversation Info
Posted in Crafts & Sewing
14 Replies
03.19.16 2:12 AM
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