Anna Griffin 2017 Planner
Hi! Will the Anna Griffin 2017 Planners, both turquoise and pink, be available when Anna returns on January 10, 2017? They sold out so fast and I have been waiting for HSN to restock. Please advise and thank you for your prompt response!
The item number was 505-086, when I ordered it in November. However a search on that number now, does not give any results.
From her blog listings for new and old products returning this visit, nothing listed for the planner’s at all…
Yep, all I see available are the Planner accessories in stock.
Sadly, no way to find the item number unless someone has purchased it and can look it up from their shipped order.
, do you have the item number?
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Posted in Crafts & Sewing
4 Replies
01.10.17 2:42 PM
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