Visa Checkout HASSLE, CS unhelpful
Wow, I’m a bit upset over this whole situation!
I wasn’t going to order any Andrew Lessman this visit, but saw there was a $25 discount with Visa Checkout sign-up, so I thought I’d finally give it a shot. Should have went with my instincts.
I signed up and it immediately gave me an error message to contact CS. I used the chat (as others in the forum said they had done) and the representative really didn’t want to listen to me or help, simply bombard me with messages of where to call.
If HSN is going to implement such features, I think they should be pretty seamless and not cause a customer to horse around for an HOUR trying to get it to work.
So now I’ve created an account with a third party that has my information, and no HSN discount. This situation is upsetting and I have no desire to shop here after this.
I ran into a similar frustrating problem.
After reading through the comments, I decided to try again the link to add the Visa checkout.
Once on visa checkout I added a new card and made it the new default. It happened to be a visa instead of the AMEX card I had in there as a default, so I guess you may be able to use any card for payments but if you want the deal you may want to use a visa? Or is it the act of adding a card that helped? Another thing I noticed is that the Visa did not have a middle name whereas the previous card had one. Since my HSN account did no have a middle initial I wonder if that is what could be the issue.
So in summary, avoid the frustration and wasting time calling everywhere. Try this:
1. Add a new card on visa checkout once you click on the link to add it on Hsn (I am assuming that you already have a visa checkout account, if not set it up when you are adding the card to be used)
2. Make sure that the card added has the same exact name spelling as on the HSN account as well as address.
3. Try using a VISA if other cards dont seem to work
4. In case of name mismatch due to spelling or middle name have it fixed on hsn account first.
I hope this helps,
after all of this it showeda code 161786 and the $20 bucks was off .
Happy camper after all.
HSN customer service folks were compassionate but this stuff is beyond their experience and responsibility level.
They do a good job keeping people’s frustration down, but give Kashback to make people happy,
I am happy with their attitude and concern when I call.
I spent most of my Saturday trying to get the extra $20 off my cell phone purchase trying to use this Visa Checkout. I called 3 times and was quickly told how to solve the oops popup. with their number to call. so i finally got so frustrated that i didn’t even want to purchase the cell phone. What is up with this promotion! Do people a favor and resolve these issues. thank you
Thinkinking for all my trouble trying to set up Visa Checkout account and wasting my day calling hsn cs with not getting any help…but five dollars spendable kash.What about $25 spendable cash for all my trouble???
I’m having the same problem, I feel like I’m chasing my tail. I’ve been trying for three days with no success.
Found out these VISA promotions have little or nothing to do with HSN, maybe that’s
why Customer Service hasn’t been helpful.
Anyway I found another VISA Checkout coupon for Apr. 26th – May 31st.
Type “VISA Checkout” in the search bar for details & click where it says learn more.
you can use any credit card not just VISA, but you need to go through your issuer’s of credit card bank.
There was a coupon code to use this at reg. checkout. I also went through the hassel of making a VC acct and had the error message. But then decided ot try the code. And it went through. Code 168236 wish i’d seen this community before the day was over. When i see an offer for a code, i print screen or the PrtScr key, and put the photo’ in a “coupon” folder… then go back to it…cause sometimes HSN doesn’t post it again, but it’s still good.
I am presuming visa checkout is a middle processor like paypal… so hopefully it’s legit, and doesn’t cause future problems. Like you all, hopefully we aren’t jeapardising our private card numbers.
I had the very identical problem! I am upset big time!!! After receiving the eror message, I contacted CS…Neddless to say this didn’t help. I ordered 2 items and NO discount!!! 🙁
Maybe I am not holding my mouth correctly when I am doing this process!! LOL
tonight is the last night for the visa coupon so I thought I would try but I recieved the same message to call customer service which I really dont want to do so I give up also
OMG! So frustrated… having the same problem! I’ve enrolled, tried, checked and rechecked about 30 times with the same error. I agree, very hesitant about giving my info to third parties as it is, then for it to be unsuccessful is a real pain.
everything is set up, went to visa site & set it up, still an oops.tried paying with it at least 10 times.
I called and spoke with customer service because I was having the same issues as you all, and they were able to give me some spendable cash for the $25 off $50 discount and process what I wanted to order right away.
I have also been trying all day to pay with the visa pay,got an oops & called hsn who in turn gave me a visa number, who in turn gave me another visa number &it just doesnt work for me. I always pay with my visa or hsn card. Dont want to miss the discount,wanted to get the vitamins in my bag but I’ve been at this most of the day. I even had my daughter check it for me because she’s so good at this sort of thing. I am very frustrated with this.Whats the point of a discount if you can’t access it?
Had similar bad experience. Called the number and, after a long conversation, was told to call VISA at the same number I had called. Seems the person I was speaking to thought she worked for HSN and had no idea that the VISA number she gave me was her number. I finally got my discount by changing the credit card I was using but I’m concerned because it is showing on my credit card as a pending transaction without the discount. I’ll wait and see how it actually posts as a charge before I start screaming. But there’s a couple of hours I’ll never get back. I agree they should test the system before offering it to the public.
Thank you HSN_Erica for taking care of me. I have only encountered helpful people here in the past (posted on that before too), so am happy again. I ordered my Andrew Lessman item and will be watching him again later in the day. I have emailed Visa Checkout and told them to cancel my account with them—and I am staying with HSN!
Hello ?, I’m sorry you’re having trouble getting this great discount. Visa Checkout is similar to PayPal. You have to set up an account with Visa Checkout before you can use it. Once you do that you’ll be able to use it like you would a PayPal account. I’ve taken a look at your HSN account and do not see a Visa listed there. Once you have your Visa Checkout account set up you can add it as your method of payment at checkout and apply the coupon. I hope this info is helpful. Let me know if you have any more questions.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
17 Replies
12.12.16 6:25 AM
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