Star Trek
JMO but I don’t think it was in good taste to offer the Star Trek coins today in light of Leonard Nimoy’s passing. 🙁
MAZERSTEVEN. I can see your point. You have to know so many collect everything they can on the day a star leaves us.
I was not a TRECK FAN, Just did not get into it but Leonard Nemoy was a huge part of TV as well as SCI FI- I might have watched one in my life but even at that SPOCK was unforgettable so it is ok I feel to allow serious collectors to have this moment.
@ Mazersteven…
I also think it extremely disrespectful and in very poor taste. Just shows you how the power of the almighty dollar dwarfs regard to the family, no less the departed. I guess "Greed Rules" in certain venues.
Very sad…
I was a Treckie of sorts. Selling the coin is a celebration of the actors and success of the show. I don’t think Mr. Nimoy would want anyone to be sad but remember him fondly. Star Treck is a cult in a way and what not better way to celebrate the show,movies and our beloved Dr. Spock.
Funny ?? I knew someone with the same name in college @mazersteven. But its a common name. Was strange seeing the name.
I grew up with Star Trek. The Enterprise crew gets smaller every year. Leonard Nimoy was an important part of the show. He also played other parts over the years. He will be missed. As far as coins go people collect what they want for various reasons. It’s how we keep our memories.
I grew up with Star Wars too and actually as an adult bought a Jar Jar Binks doll. Wish I still had it. Seems like our icons are disappearing as we get older. Me. Nimoy did have an amazing career,loved and his character is truly immortal. Sad but he had a nice long life and no matter how long you have on this planet it always seems too soon.
just a guess, but aren’t the shows planned out weeks in advance ?
I had such a secret crush on Spock when it was on TV. I dont think selling the coins was disrespctful to Mr Nimoy.
Hopes..Sweet. Your taste in men is out of the box ..like mine. But I never crushed on Startreck. Now Donny Osmond and puppy love…
RIP Leonard Nimoy! Thank you for bringing us Dr. Spock!
Amen. Amazing actor. Immortal. RIP?
your here, then your gone, makes you wonder if there is a plot to this game called life
Heartfelt Prayers are being sent to Leonard Nimoys Family.
Captain Kirk is not attending the funeral. Now that’s seriously wrong. Selling a coin is not an insult but a celebration of a creation. Without Spock the show would not have been much. He actually was way cooler to like than Kirk and so lovable as a character even though he didn’t have emotions himself as that character. Leaonard Nimoy was an amazing poet and I just read one on Twitter. He published poetry books. I had no clue but I cannot wait to read them as I am so touched by just reading one.
Pathetic right? It’s not a private funeral. He has a prior engagement at a fundraiser in Florida. I guess at 83 you might get tired of funerals because your own mortality is close. People grieve privately but good old Captain Kirk is getting bashed big time from fans shaming him that he is not going to make it. It’s only sensible that he be there and respectful but funerals are like saying goodbye. .a finality of sorts. Maybe he just can’t emotionally do it. I doubt he is disrespectful but people sure are ripping him apart and calling the 83 year old alot of horrible things.
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11.13.16 9:19 PM
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