Slinky Today Special
Slinky, in today’s world WHY is there a Today Special with hand wash? Please also think about tall girls especially when the bottom of the pant is loose we would look goofy.
No goofier than someone who’s 5′ looks in a 31″ top–it might as well be a dress (and at 60+ I’m not into short dresses). :smileywink: HSN seems to be moving further and further away from servicing people who don’t fit the “regular” sizing. I love those Slinky tops, but I’m tired of buying things that make me look dumpy because they’re just too big; and border prints can’t be easily shortened.
I have a ton of Slinky and, even tho they say to ‘Hand Wash & Dry Flat’, I have NEVER done so. They all go into the Washer on the Delicate Cycle and then into the Dryer on Low.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
3 Replies
02.01.17 9:07 PM
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