Skinny mini 2nd cook cycle
Are you supposed to wait a few minutes before starting a 2nd cook cycle? Or, can you just push the button right away? Thank you
, Might depend on what you are making. Whether, letting it sit for a few minutes, it will thicken up at that point, or “set”.
I have made a number of things in it and the only things that I waited before going for a 2nd cycle was the thick Japanese pancakes, and the mini cakes. Wanted to see if the top would dry out a little. The cake turned out fine. The Japanese pancake had to go another cycle or maybe even 2. Next time I won’t put quite so much batter in that.
Grits I will not cook in there again. Takes too much liquid. I’ll do that in the microwave from now on.
But I have made Kaniwa which is a breakfast type grain and it was done in 1 cycle.
That’s all I have done at this point.
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01.04.17 1:56 AM
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