from the HSN homepage
Hey…thank you for posting this…it worked for me. And as usual, used it with about 5 minutes to spare. Got the Marian Getz Pressure Cooker book. Overall I like these books for ideas that are rarely complicated. I do have to say that it is for 5/6/8/10 quart cookers when I have a 2 and 4! BUT…I find it easy to adapt. Thanks again.
, Welcome Back and nice to see you.
i am not select .
Oh come on now folks,
I got this coupon twice in my email, once from a link from an email, and then on the homepage.
I tried to register it with chat and they said I’m “not on the list” and I’m “not a select customer”. Well BS to that.
I’m already getting my own flack from the CS chat reps.
Should I continue to post coupons or would you all prefer that I not because “what you don’t know won’t hurt you”.
I guess I’ back with a vengence!
I’m sorry to be so unpleasant but I have had enough to deal with my account etc.
My coupon came by mail and I thought this is nice 🙂
Thank you HSN!!!
1/6-1/7, two days.
I lucked out and got this offer in my email. It’s well worth using if you can find a good deal and I found one that was good for me: a Perlier 3 piece honey lemon kit with bath lotion, body cream and a talc for $21.21. Saved me most all of the S&H and tax on top of a good sale price. Thanks HSN! (Guess HSN lucks out too because I wouldn’t have searched for and purchased this without the coupon!) :smileyhappy:
Don’t feel bad, I’m not one of the selected either. However, one other point I would like to make is 17% off a purchase with the maximum savings of $25 is nothing. Ok, for some it may be a big deal. But in reality why not make it a true percentage off of purchase. I’m sorry, but this really gets to me. It is so ridiculous. There are other shopping websites that offer 20%, 25%, 30% and more off entire order, not just one item. And those percentages are for an entire day or more and not just a one time thing. You can go back several times and purchase whatever during the savings event.
Ugh, another select customer coupon.
I tried to post this in JANUARY COUPONS and it wouldn’t let me so here you go. ENJOY!
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
11 Replies
01.08.17 5:01 AM
0 Participants