Loreena Garcia – It’s Voila not Walla
I can’t count how many times she has said “WALLA” in the last hour, please could someone tell her that the word is Voilà. If you want to use a word extensively, please learn it. It’s not pronouncing it with an accent, it’s that she doesn’t understand the word to begin with. Also, there are a number of show hosts that say “Walla”. Walla is not a word.
Voila VS Walla, does not bother me. The one thing that does bother me is when people (not that I have ever heard an HSN host say this) say “unthaw” when they are talking about defrosting something. First off, unthaw, is not a word If it was a word it would mean to freeze, as it is a negative from of the word thaw. Thaw means to defrost, therefore unthaw must mean to freeze.
That is my 2 cents.
Isn’t this a shopping site? It seems the focus of the community should be the products . . . not grammar school. Does anyone know if this is a good product?
Since you feel the need to correct her now let me correct you it’s Lorena NOT Loreena!
I have encountered the spelling police but never the diction police.
I really don’t care if someone who’s primay language is not English mispronounces a word.
I’m from the South and hear & say Walla. Ain’t is not a word either but you hear it all the time.What surprises me is the number of diction police that feel a neccessity to correct me when I say Walla; I don’t get why that word bothers so many people. Nobody says anything if I say ain’t.
We were always taught, if you can’t say something nice then don’t say anything. We have enough going on in this world than to get stressed over people’s harmless words.
I say ignore it.
The way I look at it is, I only speak ONE language, so I give her credit for speaking at least TWO. If she mispronounces a word or two, who cares??? I know what she means.
Doesn’t bother me. I’m sure there’s many others other than Lorena and me, who don’t pronounce words from other languages correctly. I still know what she means. I took Spanish for three years, and if I took if for three more I’d still never speak all the words correctly because my tongue doesn’t roll.
It’d be kinda neat if she’d just say Whoomp! (There It Is). :womanlol:
I googled it and listened to the pronunciation and it sounds like “walla”. That’s what I have heard for years…which does not mean it’s right.
Wish some people who ac tually speak whichever language this is from (Italian, French???) would weigh in on this and tell us how they say it.
I’m pretty sure V’s are pronounced as a W for her. I once had boyfriend call the pre-mixed frozen veggies named Voila voy ola. Now that’s nuts!
The online collaborative reference Wiktionary includes “wallah” as an “informal” alternative form for “voila” and “voilà,” though it doesn’t give any examples.
I agree with you, Myra; that drives me crazy, too.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
12 Replies
10.22.16 4:07 PM
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