Is it Really on Clearance if there is no price reduction?
I was just looking at some Clearance items in crafts. I was surprised at how many items are not reduced at all. So, just wondering, Is it Really on Clearance if there is no price reduction?
I am now getting price reductions, but not labeled clearance so what is the point!
This same problem, only worse, is going on with the Q.
At least HSN has ‘clearance’ prices on so many items, where as the Q considers upping the price and giving EZ Pays a great deal … NOT!
I purchased an item w/ the Q, yesterday at a ‘clearance price’, checked on it to day, to order another set … now, the price has been raised and EZ Pays been added … some clearance!
It really depends on how it’s stated. If they say “clearance priced” then there should be a discount. If they just say “clearance” then there may or may not be a discount, it mostly means they’re trying to get rid of the few remaining quantities they have in inventory.
I sent a message earlier this evening relative to that question. If the product is clearance, then there should be a reduction in price.:womanfrustrated:
Anyone know how long the free shipping on clearance purchase of $50 or more is good for? I clicked on it in a couple of places but didn’t see the details come up. I was sure I saw it at one time, but have forgotten. Hope it’s a few more days at least. I’m still pondering a few things.
There are 2 things I have been waiting for clearance that are actually higher than when they were presented. Really??
I asked this question a while back in “Need Help” and got a reply from one of the HSN people that sometimes they put items in Clearance that are low quantity or things they want to move out but don’t reduce the price. That was not a very satisfying answer. I see it more now than I did when I originally asked the question, probably over 6 months ago. I don’t see the point, if that’s the real answer.
I see that a lot on various items.
For the first time, I saw an item on clearance with no price reduction. The following day the price was reduced. Maybe there is a time delay factor?
I came to the same conclusion as you did ladies. The minute we were alerted to the ‘free shipping,’ noticed nothing was marked down. Only purchased 2 items that were free shipping anyway. Hate to say this but, “I smell a rat.” The lack of markdowns (as if we wouldn’t notice) seems calculated.
I’ve wondered about that myself!
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
11 Replies
01.01.17 9:29 PM
0 Participants