IPad mini 2 Is it a good deal TsV?
With tax the cost of the TS is $405. On The online retailer that begins with an A you can get a Bluetooth case and tablet for $302.86. Are the other extras with it :headphone ,earbuds, entertainment.com subscription worth it? I don’t think I would need the tech support. What do you guys think?
I have an I-Pad and believe it or not I use my Kindle more. The I-Pad is OK but takes time to get used to. Best advice I have for you is will you be using the accessories. My Kindle came with a Keyboard and though it’s great I find I use the one that is in the machine alot more because it is just as versatile as a keyboard. As far as an entertainment subscription, I am a prime member with Amazon and it gives me a great many freebies like listening to the radio (even my favorite radio station in the Northeast), watching DVDs, renting a DVD, etc.. It really will depend upon your interests and usage. As for tech support, I had a Google Nexus and one day shy of a year, the battery died. If I had had tech support both Google and Asus would have sent a new Nexus or at least replaced the dead battery. Even the store where it was purchased would not give me the time of day. So, since then I have added tech support to my computers, laptop, Androids, etc.. You just never know.
There are several online stores that a similar iPad can be purchased for much less. Whether or not the accessories that are included in the TS are worth it to you would have to be your decision. Keep in mind that the Tech Support included in the TS are just that–Tech Support, not a device warranty. My advice to you is to read, read, read, and be sure of what you’re buying before making a purchase like this.
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
3 Replies
01.09.17 2:50 AM
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