I just received a call from from the HSN Marketing Division.
They found the Coupon Equality packet I mailed them to be very helpful.
They have decided to make changes and are currently in the process of revamping the coupon system.
I want to say THANK YOU to all of y’all that participated and supported my idea. :heart:
Thank you so much for taking the time to put the packet together and following up.
Thanks so much for your tireless efforts with the coupons.:heart:
I’m impressed that HSN not only responded, but it sounds like a positive response. Props for all your time and efforts ?!
Thank you for your efforts, kemiqueen. I take it as a very positive move that HSN responded to your packet – and that they responded so positively. I know coupons make a big difference in my purchasing here. I did get a much appreciated. birthday coupon this month and used it just last week. I did appreciate too that it was good all of September; it’s hard for me to use the one day only coupons but I’m sure they hit some people at just the right time.
?, Thank you so much for all your work, it is very appreciated ! You rock !
WOW! Nicely done, ?! Thank YOU!
B a m w a r 7?c o m
I really appreciate all the hard work you’ve done to help kemiqueen..:heart:
Thank you HSN for taking our coupon concerns seriously . :womanhappy::heart:
Way to go Kemi! I am actually in shock that you got a response! Just maybe HSN will listen now that they see just how many posts there were. Do you know how many posts were in the packet you sent them?
Thank you for taking on this cause and seeing it all the way through to mailing them the results of their customers complaints.
Big Hugs to you!
Oh, sweetie, Way to Go! You worked so hard, mobilized the Community, and led the coupon initiative! I’m so glad you received a positive response! Thank you, Kemi–you should be very proud!
WOW ?,
This isn’t some little feat, It’s huge!
You made an impact on one of the largest global Companies that is willing to make positve changes of how things are done for the millions of HSN shoppers to have a better shopping experience.
You motivated HSN towards re-thinking and restructuring changes to their current policy with the power of your letter. That they called you interested in your input when they already have highly paid marketing people for that purpose speaks volumes.
I admire your tenacity and abilty to put together an intelligent and thought provoking letter.
Well done!
Wow!! You are amazing little lady!! gise427 said it all, I don’t think I can top that. I do appreciate all the time and effort you put into that document, on behalf of all of us. That really truly is good news from HSN!!
I didn’t even get a birthday coupon this year and I am a cardholder. The only thing I saw was at the top of my billing statement $20 off $100 for one day only Sept. 27th. I don’t have money on that day. I’m on a fixed income. As a group we all usually get our funds at the beginning of month. So that helped me none…lol
I’m sure I made a point of that as did many others in our statements to HSN. So blessed be that they really do a good job for all of us. It will matter & make a difference for all of us.
thanks kemi!!! xoxo
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
51 Replies
02.08.17 8:45 PM
0 Participants