Coupon listed in my account under Spendable Kash
I just checked on Spendable Kash in My Account, and for the first time noticed that it also listed a coupon that was available to me. That was a surprise. Unfortunately, the coupon is only valid if I use my HSN Card and I don’t have one, so the coupon doesn’t apply to me, but still, it was nice to see it listed.
What is the interest rate on the HSN credit card? Thanks.:smileyhappy:
I agree about it being incentive for getting the card. I get it, but I also commiserate with the tons of faithful customers who have spent hard earned cash on HSN purchases but don’t have a card. Seems like all customers should get a nice ty treat sometimes. Not just card holders.
Ugh. Wish I had seen this before purchasing the recent stuff I just purchased. :/
, I received this coupon too but I have the card. However the coupon didn’t work for me. I don’t understand why they gave me a coupon that I can’t use.
I found one too but when I tried to use it, I got an invalid message. Why give me a coupon when I can’t use it?
Hi there, , , ,
can anyone tell me what coupon is showing in their Spendable Ka$h?
I don’t see one in my Spend Ka$h for HSN cardholders which I am.
I’m showing 168633, $5 off $20 which I posted under JANUARY COUPONS.
Would appreciate the info, thank you!
I don’t have an HSN Card. I saw a coupon under “Spendable KA$H.” I tried the coupon, and it didn’t work. Customer Service confirmed that it will not work unless you use the HSN Card. Pfft.
I noticed that several days ago & used the coupon.
I think it must be something new HSN is doing.
Conversation Info
Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
9 Replies
01.30.17 1:49 AM
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