Computer Screen Specs
Always check the RESOLUTION of the screen, and NOT the physical size. The 19.5″ screen of this on-air HP has only a 1600 X 900 resolution, which isn’t even big enough for a 1080 HD picture, let alone enough for editing high res photos. That level of resolution you can get on a 13″ (or smaller) laptop. If they only talk about size in inches, it’s usually because of poor resolution, and that’s also why it’s so cheap. Even a lot of tablets have better resolution.
And, if the optical drive seems to accidentally pop out a lot (as it did on air), it’s probably going to break when it does that at the wrong time (just an off-topic guess ;-).
HSN DOES have some good deals, but you should ALWAYS look at the detailed specs before buying any computer or electronic device. This is especially true if the presenters only talk about things in a certain way. Also, I always wonder why they emphasize USAGE SUPPORT so much, if the OS software is the latest and greatest and therefore easy to use.
Read between the lines, so to speak, and find out the specs that they DON’T mention, or that they quantify in an odd way (like physical screen size, rather than pixel resolution). If this type of system is all you’ve ever used (perhaps because of cost), do yourself a favor and checkout systems with GOOD specs (like those that at least are capable of displaying a 1080P TV picture). You might find that you won’t have to keep replacing your machine every few years, just to upgrade the OS, or run current software.
This is just a generalized caveat, as there’s no way to really make “all or nothing” statements about anything. Anyway, have FUN hunting for YOUR “best” computer. No one else can know your exact life and needs, except YOU! Not even your favorite shopping channel host (or random commentator like me 😉 knows YOU! Take advice, sure, but consider the agenda of the source!
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Posted in Clearance, Special & Coupons
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11.26.16 12:56 AM
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