Youve Got the Look, or Do You
How many of you ladies are constantly changing your hairdo and makeup to achieve “the look”? I’m always changing things up, hoping to find that look that will put me in the pretty woman seat (I’m not talking about the movie:)) I’m sure that’s what the different cosmetic companies are striving for. They will make their presentations so interesting and fun, and then they take a plain Jane and transform her into a goddess. When I was younger I used to think by the time I was this age, who cared what I looked like? It would no longer be important to me. Yet I find I’m still searching for that look and buying beauty products all the time and changing my hair. Am I alone? Also, have you found beauty products that finally deliver the look you have been searching for?
Pammy, the only thing I change about my appearance, from time-to-time, are my Bangs. I’ll have them short forever it seems, like in my Avatar photo, (taken when I was, I don’t know, 60 or so?), and then I’ll let them grow out long, part them in the middle, and use a Curling Iron to give them a wave. Other than that, I haven’t changed my ‘look’, as far as Cosmetics go, for ages. Compare the Pic below to my Avatar… not much difference, eh? Just Older, Greyer, and Wearier! *rofl*
Pamlou, I am one of those people who sticks with a look. I have long dark hair and I had it short many years ago (which I hated on me), layered (which didn’t work for me either), bangs (which tended to fall in my face no matter what I did), and lighter (which when I saw it, I KNEW I was a very deep brunette at heart and ran to get it fixed the next day). It’s now a signature look for me – wearing it long and straight (even though it’s naturally wavy). Thank God I’m blessed with shiny hair. I have tons of makeup but tend to stay with neutral eyeshadow. The lipsticks I love have all been discontinued but I still have a stash of them. I like a lot of mascara on my lashes (not Tammy Faye Baker style though!). I try new things but tend to stick with a certain look. Sometimes I wish I was more adventurous but this is the look I’m comfortable with.
Pammy did you make it to the Brow Bar?
I only look good with long layered hair. I add more highlights in the summer and low lights in the winter. I play with colored eyeliners to go with my outfit or bring out my eye color. I only look good in a few shades of lipstick.
At my age I pretty much know what works well and I never follow what is trending in hair and make-up, finger nail polish etc.
I have a lot of pink in my skin tone and many things just do not look good w/ it. I have a better range of options when my skin is darker in the summer.
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Posted in Beauty
19 Replies
02.21.17 3:24 AM
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