Makeup Storage
My boyfriend surprised me with a full sized tool storage unit to hold all of my makeup for Christmas this year! I’m still in the process of getting everything put away and organized…. and sticker bombing it. But I was so excited I had to go ahead and share. #beautyhoarder
I love this storage unit, lol.
I have stackable clear ones from Walmart. My goal is to downsize to the point I have a FEW shades I don’t use daily (red, for example), eyeshadows, summer products, etc. in a small container in my closet and everything I use in my Trish Planner.
That’s my goal, at least! : )
WOW!!! You are a serious makeup maven! I use a bigger size fishing tackle/tool box. If it does not fit in there, time to get rid of old stuff. Works out well and so easy to carry from room to room if necessary.
Ingenious idea! Love storage ideas that use items made for other reasons…..
Oh my gosh this is so cool! I bought a carousal to put a lot of things in but the carousal takes up so much room. Plus I have 3 drawers full. No woman should have that much makeup and foo foo things
I would love to have something like this so I could organize better. I know HSN does a show on organization and I wonder if they have something like this? Your boyfriend rocks!!!!!
:heart: Excellent, Erica!
I almost ordered one of these recently. Didn’t think about using it for anything but its intended purpose LOL –. very creative man you have there! :smileyvery-happy:
It’s funny, every time I get a nice tote bag or gift box with a beauty purchase the better-half jokes about using them to carry and store his tools. Ha ha! Would be less funny if he didn’t convert a small bedroom into an office/beauty product storage room using those tools, lol … still in progress… :smileywink:
You do know that they make those in pink, right? :manwink:
I have been telling my MIL and my sisters & nieces about your Christmas gift!! I have been thinking of those large lower drawers, How about hairspray, extras bottles of shampoo ,conditioner? I always buy extras of this stuff, never have just 1 can of hairspray or 1 bottle of shampoo, more like 4-6. Maybe when u see a sale u could stock up or how about a hoarding place for Perlier if you use their products? Now , I could really use those 2 big drawers for that! I love that u are posting pics! Can’t wait to see more as you keep filling it, this is exciting
I am just now seeing this. How cool! I love it. This is a great idea. Hmmm…:heart::heart:
You have a wonderful boyfriend :smileyhappy:
Posting a few pictures of how I organized my cabinet. I went to a store specializing in organization. I don’t know if I can say the name. Forget about the beauty department. I went to the art bin department and bought better bins for half the cost. I bought large plastic bins to fit in each drawer or door. I bought smaller bins for each large plastic bin. The system I bought had many different size bins and all I had to do was look for the letter on the outside of the bin to know if it was compatible. I spent about $50 and organized 4 drawers and 2 large compartments with doors. I bought a couple long, but deep bins for my palettes. Some have handles for traveling. I can just pull the bin out of the drawer and I am ready to go. I have a shallow bin for my brushes and another for my eyeliners and shadow sticks. Hope this helps. Have fun!
Here are a few of the pictures.
okay I got a few of the drawers done. I still need to find some sort of dividers or bins to put in each drawer but figured I would share what I have so far….
Awesome Sauce! :catwink:
Now, how cool is this?! What a great idea. Please show us pictures when you get things organized. This is just really neat!:womanlol:
That totally ROCKS!!!!!
Well, I guess that’s it. I have now seen everything
Seriously, this is really a great idea
Love it!!! :manhappy:
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Posted in Beauty
20 Replies
01.10.17 5:32 PM
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