food gift
Does anyone know of a good food gift to send to a family group of 4 adults and 4 children ? What food things on HSN have you tried and found to be tasty and a good value ?
Yes thanks Velvet it makes sense! Tho dodging in and out incognitoness (word?) still doesn’t make any sense why it can’t be fixed. I’ve gotton used to my two identities but would be alarmed if a third one shows up! I’d have to go and see a shrink!
When you created this thread (and since you logged on tonight) you have been the gray face but on the right your real face is showing up. In the past when that has happened the real face only shows up on the right if you are able to post as the Advisor (real face ). Does that make sense.
Velvet what do mean different avatars? Are there more than the two: grey face admirer and my face advisor?
I know I fluctuate between the two if there are others well then maybe I should change my name to Sybil!
?, I’m not sure what you mean?
Erica, why does gise show was different avatars on this thread? This is getting stranger.
Sorry guys!
Conversation Info
Posted in Kitchen & Food
7 Replies
07.03.16 9:35 PM
0 Participants