Tracfone Activation Tip
I wanted to pass along a tip if you’re having trouble activating your new Tracfone.
If you tried to activate the phone & get the message “Emergency calls only”, try this:
While the phone is turned on, take the back off & take the battery out. Wait a full minute & put the phone back together. Turn it on & try to make a call.
* This worked for me! *
I had bought a Tracfone Sunset & it would not activate, even after I received a new SIM card. I returned it & ordered a Tracfone Treasure. It would not activate either. I contacted a Technial Support person on the Tracfone website & he’s the one who told me about taking the battery out. I was thrilled it worked!
I thought I would pass this along if it helps someone else. 🙂
Thanks for the tip, Pinkdoll! I just received the ZTE Cymbal “Flip Phone” (Tracfone) yesterday, and am getting ready to set it up. I can use all the tips I can get, as I’m a senior and a “tech dummy”. I posted a post with a few questions about the phone I bought, but maybe phones are similar and you could answer this one for me? I know I need to charge up my phone first thing. Do you have any idea how long it takes to fully charge a new phone out of the package without “overcharging” it? Just thought you might know; you seem to have a lot more experience than I do with cell phones.
Thank-you again for your tip – you never know who it may help!:smileyhappy:
Good advice. Thanks for the tip. I’m waiting for my new Tracfone to arrive so this info may come in handy.
Thank you for the Dash recommendation!
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Posted in Electronics
4 Replies
01.01.16 4:52 AM
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