It would be nice if the details for each tracfone clearly stated which network, Verizon, Sprint, T-Mobile,,, each phone uses. Can anyone tell me which tracfones on HSN use Verizon towers? I did purchase a tracfone from HSN. Now it seems that it uses T-Mobile network. That is not what I wanted.
Bevjoy, if you will do an internet search of the model of phone you are considering–in this case, the LG Premiere, and add the word Tracfone to the search, you will find several reviews of the phone. There are a couple of sites that review all Tracfone models and even tell what network they connect to for service.
Thanks for the info. I am sending the Samsung Galaxy on5 back because it is on the T-mobile network. Thinking about ordering the LG Premier 5.3, item 514-275. I wish there were some reviews for the LG Premier 5.3.
I don’t know if this will help, but Verizon and Sprint are CDMAs and ATT and T-mobile are considered GSM phones. When you check on a phone link, click on the operating specs button and you’ll get a dropdown window…when it opens look for the ‘Mode’ and it will tell you if it is a GSM or CDMA…The Grand Prime is a CDMA phone on Verizon. I have that one and it is a good phone. I thought I’d go for the upgrade to the Galaxy On5, which is T-Mobile, I still haven’t activated it yet because I keep seeing such mixed reviews. I’ve been checking it out through Wi-fi and downloaded some movies onto the SD card and the videos are awesome, the Grand Prime is almost as good and it has a better camera if that matters. If you like ATT the LG Treasure is a GSM phone and is a good one also. If you see that actual Tracfone box that the phone comes in, you can tell by looking at the bottom right corner…if it’s a smart phone you’ll see LTE V for Verizon, T for T-mobile and A for ATT. I noticed too they didn’t actually say what network the On5 was on, I don’t think they even showed a map.
I hope this helped and didn’t confuse you too much :cathappy:
In case you didn’t know, if you want to send pictures by text, you must turn on your data, not the Wi-fi, in order to send or receive them (I’ve noticed this is a big complaint in reviews)
luvmytzu, you can learn more about this promotion on Andrew’s page. There is a short video that provides a little information regarding how the show will work. We should also have the full presentations available on Monday for playback.
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Posted in Electronics
5 Replies
09.09.15 5:24 PM
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