Visio TV Specials_on the new 4k or close out of smart HD units
I am interested to find out if any upcoming programs or TV eletronic special sales will be up coming in the months ahead?
If so where do I place my name on an alert list of up coming Visio TV Promotionals.
Due to an electrical lighting storm in my area, the HDMI ports on the TV will not produce a signal and the compontents ports will work, but it blue tinted picture on the screen.
So I am looing for a TV replacement and would like to know it Visio, Samsung or other leaders in the industry have specials on TV’s and how I can be made a ware of them on HSN?
Hello and welcome to posting in the Community. Although we aren’t able to provide the items coming up on sale or give advance notice on the Today’s Special, you can be notified of upcoming Sales and Event Reminders and Promotions. Go to your Account and open Manage Preferences. There, you can select notifications by email or text. For specific TV Brands, open the Electronic Brands tab and select the makers you’d like to be alerted to.
Thank you again! I will double check with HSN CS and Procaps. I’m running low and needed to know how to schedule my purchases. I love the Andrew Lessman products that I take regularly. I wish they would show a yearly schedule of Today’s Specials for this reason. Have a great night!
It will be July TS
Last July 2014 is when they had the big special on the Healthy Skin & Nails for the 800 count bottle.
I don’t have the date, yet I have purchased Andrews Healthy Hair Skin, and Nails prior in the largest bundle. Possibly calling HSN may help, if it’s scheduled in advance. I can tell by all the large bottles I have had. If HSN has no idea, consider calling Monday through Friday, and asking if they have any idea, Pro-Caps is quite helpful to everyone, if they know I am certain they will let you in on the Great Deal. Pro Caps has an 800 #, yet, first I would contact Customer Service with HSN. Wishing you a beautiful weekend, Enjoy, Those capsules are Must Haves, and the Best. I hope this was helpful enough, since you can also check Andrews blogs, for any advice or hints, he’s very thorough. Have A Great Wonderful Day:womanhappy:
ToffeeDude xooxox
Conversation Info
Posted in Electronics
6 Replies
04.13.15 2:43 AM
0 Participants