Ivanka Trump
Ivanka trump should not be a political target by HSN. I have been a long-time customer. However, I strongly disapprove of the network taking a political stance, especially against the daughter of the First Family. Ivanka is a wonderful role model and should be supported. Political affiliation should have absolutely no bearing here. I am so disappointed.
HSN never carried Ivanka Trump’s line. This was a mistake of the News Media.
HSN Community “Golden Rule”, stay away from political comments. I hope someone from this company monitors these comments because your company just broke your own “Golden Rule” by dropping Ivanka Trumps line because her father is president. I spend alot of money with your company but that stops today! Poor buisness practice. I will make sure to tell my family and friends of your companies polictical activism…lost sale for HSN.
Agreed; I do hope you no longer show Ashley Judd on the Copperfit page, her performance at the women’s march in Washington was disgraceful.
I agree – boycott….. there are other places to shop. Smarten up HSN – there is a rival network that will love my business (oh what the heck – I’ll say it QVC!!!!). My mom is also canceling all her auto-ships. She is a 20 year customer. HSN – stay out of politics!
HSN boycotts Ms. Trump’s line because they don’t like her father or because the forces of evil have bullied them. So how about we all boycott HSN.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
6 Replies
02.08.17 4:02 PM
0 Participants