Ashley Judd
Sorry must return the ‘Copper Fit’ items that Ashley Judd advertises. If she wants to go on an unhinged rant, she can do so but my dollars will not support her. Likewise Madona. Both of them are slightly over the hill and need the public more than we need them. I do not support lunatic behavior. My Copper Fit items are being returned. I will buy another brand.
She reminded me of the mother in the movie Carrie LOL:womanlol: and just as nuts.
LOL!…funny how it was ok when Paula Deen went on her “N” word rant and was let go at QVC and people was up in arms about her being let go….so why treat Ashley any differently?, stand by her the same way.
FYI … It was Hillary whom Trump called nasty woman. It was right after a debate and he muttered it under his breath. Which, I think it’s hilarious that people were put off as if they’ve never said the same or worse in private and public.
Her and Madonna are just plain ridiculous!
I can never understand celebrities and their stupidity!
Us small ppl can’t even afford a concert ticket…
Be proud of your made your _____ rich!
Butt sound better??
***Edited by HSN: Removed profanity to comply with Community Guidelines***
THANK YOU for the heads-up.
I will support Copper Fit 1million percent, now! Go, Ashley! #nastywomen
Until the “Home Shopping Network” removes any affiliation with Ashley Judd, I will no longer financial support a company that is clearly not in line with the dignity I want in my home. Is this really what we want our young women to imitate?
I am proud of you! you will join many others who feel the same way.!
She’s a nasty nasty woman. :womanlol:
Good!..hopefully all the returns are something i’m looking for…so for that, i say thank you!
“Texas radio station HITS 105 has vowed never to play Madonna’s music again following her profanity-filled speech Saturday at the Women’s March on Washington”
THANK YOU! Will be letting my local radio stations know I will BOYCOTT their stations and advertisers if they play her stuff after this despicable, degrading, deplorable debacle!
Glad to see Wynona didn’t endorse her.
The ego of these celebs and the sheep mentality of some people just amazes me. If Copperfit wants to be tied to Ashely Judd and her political views great but I will not spend any more money on their products.
We live in a country that supports free speech but when you exercise that right you then own that message and it becomes a part of your personal brand. Ms Judd’s brand has been affected by her activism. That is not to say she is wrong but the purpose of having a spokes person is to link tha spokes person’s brand to the brand of the product. That product brand now has to decide if they want to be tied to those views. The country is divided and when a spokes person takes a position on a controversial topic it will alienate part of the spending public. Any business must decide if it wants to be a part of the political conversation and how that position will increase or reduce revenue. Did Ms. Judd’s activism increase CopperFit’s revenue and profitablity? If yes then CopperFit should continue to employ her. If it reduced their value in the marketplace they need to replace her.
Frankly HSN and other networks should get rid of 99% of so called famous and or has beens as endorsers..Most of them are complete turn offs..
No “SO CALLED famous person” is going to sway me to buy.
They need to get over themselves..Mr. Trump is our get over it
I will not tolerate any “celebrity” or business person criticizing my values!
I won’t name the person, but they too were “unhinged” in spewing their thoughts on their website and HSN TV about recent events. What, they think they’re wiser than I? Not on my dollar. I’ll be gone here by the end of the week, account will be closed. No more dollars from me.
Have to say, I was disgusted by their language. Madonna was a HUGE disappointment to me. I seriously doubt they care that they just lost a fan…. but they did.
Conversation Info
Posted in Talk Among Yourselves
34 Replies
01.28.17 6:55 AM
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